Andy-imagine For Rebecca

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Rebecca's pov:

I just finished getting ready for my date with Andy. He should be here in five minutes.
I wore a pair of denim shorts and  a simple Kalvin clein t-shirt.
I sat on the sofa and waited for him to arrive.
After a bit heard the door bell rang.
I opened the door and Andy appeared.
He had his hands stuffed in his pockets and as he saw me he smiled.
His adorable dimples appeared on his cheeks and I couldheltutbut fall in love even more.
I quickly kissed him and pulled him in by his shirt.
I kissed him passionately while closing the door.

Andy :"well, I like this way of saying hi."

He smiled at me and I blushed a bit, looking down.
He lifted my chin with his fingers and made me look in his eyes.

Andy:" hello"

He laughed and I laughed along.


Then he rested his lips on mine in a slow delicate kiss.

Andy:" shall we go, now? Or do you want to stay and finish what you started?"

He smirked and I hit playfully his chest.

Rebecca:" Andy!"

I said a bit shocked by the clearness of his words.

Andy:" what? You started..."

He raised an eyebrow.
My cheeks turned alight shade of red.

Andy:" you're so cute when you blush"

He said wrapping his hands on my waist.

Rebecca:" Andy, stop it."

He hugged me laughing.

Andy:" ok. now, let's go."

We went downstairs and got in his car.
He drove towards the park.
As we were there he took his guitar from the back and then we started walking towardsour bench.
Yes our bench.
We met each other on that bench and now we call it ours.
We sat there and he took his guitar out.

Andy:" what do you wanna hear?"

He's always so sweet.

Rebecca:" can you play song about a songwriter?"

He nodded and started playing.
While he sang his gaze didn't leave my eyes, not even for a second.
He pronounced every word clearly and his sweet voice echoed in the air.
As he finished he sang another couple of songs and then we walked through the park.
This is my favorite kind of date.
Just us walking holding hands through the green of this park, he singing to me and his blue eyes shining watching the sunset.
Once we came here to see the sunrise.
Thinking about it now, I think that we were crazy but that day we just wanted to do it.
After a while we head back to the car.
Then he drove back to my place and we got in.
Suddenly I heard a phone beep it was Andy's.

Andy:" it's Blair he said that I have to go back to the studio."

He looked at me.

Rebecca:" no stay a bit more"

I complained looking into his eyes.
Then I kissed his lips.

Andy:" babe, I have to go."

Rebecca:" you really can't stay?"

He shook his head.
I did my puppy eyes.

Andy:" just five minutes"

I cheered and he ran a hand through his hair.
I cuddled up to his chest and looked up at him.
He took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles, one by one.
With my other hand I traced his lower lip.

Andy:"baby I love you."

Rebecca :" I love myself too"

I laughed.

Andy:" don't be mean to me. I stayed here for you."

He said pretending to i be angry.

Rebecca:" sorry, I love you too"

Then we kissed and he had to go.

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