rye-imagine for Bella (smut)

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Bella's pov:

I just got out the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked to my room.
Rye should get home in an hour or so.
He's at the studio with the boys and its quite late. Their always there. They're reharsing for tour and they're always there until late at night.
I miss him so much.
After a bit my phone went off.
It was a video call from rye.

Bella:" hi baby"

Rye:" hey baby girl. I'm in the car in thirty minutes I'll be home."

Bella:"I'm waiting for you.

As he looked at the screen he saw that the only thing i was wearing was a towel and he being himself he did a comment.

Rye:" i see."

He smirked maliciously.

Bella:" ryan!"

Rye:" what? "

He pretended to be confused.

Bella:" you know what."

Rye:" when I'll come home we are gonna have fun. See you later."

He smirked and winked before ending the call.
I put down the phone and changed. I put on one of rye's hoodies.
I sat on the sofa and turned on the tv.
After a while i heard someone opening the door and rye appeared.


Bella:" hey, how was the stdio session?"

He came over and sat next to me. He rested his hand on my bare legs.

Rye:"  it was tiring"

Bella:"then go to sleep."

Rye"" but i have here my beautiful girlfriend waiting for me."

He winked at me.

Bell:" what do you wanna do then?"

I looked at him.
His eyes were filled with lust.
In a quick move i was straddling his waist.

Rye:"you know what."

He laughed quietly.
Then he crashed his lips on mine. The kiss eas immediately rough and passionate.
His hands rested on my waist pulling me closer.
He kissed me passionately and soon after his lips were on my neck kissing and nibbling on my hot skin.
He helped me getting rid of the sweater I was wearing and suddenly we were lying on the sofa.
My hands tangled in his hair tugging slightly.
He let out a low groan and I bit my lower lip as he sucked on my neck.
It turns me on so much.
His hands went down to my bum squeezing it.
I rolled my hips on his feeling his hardness on my pulsing core.
I took off his shirt leaving his chest on show.
Then i flipped is over so that i was on top.
I kissed down his chest. As i reached the waistband if his pants i slid them off with his underwear.
In a bit we were both naked.
He slowly entered me and i gasped at the sudden feeling.
He pushed in me repeatedly at a slow pace.
We were breathing heavily, moaning each other names.
He buried his head in the crock of my neck.
His breath sent shivers down my skin, cooling it down.
I dig my nails in his back as he sped the pace.
A warm feeling raised quickly in my lower stomach and in a few minutes i reached my climax.
He collapsed on me breathing heavily.
He left a kiss on my neck before laying next to me.
He wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me even closer.
Although our bodies were boiling hot but that closeness was perfect.
All we needed was each other company.
None of us spoke we stayed silent enjoying the light noise of the car going by out in the streets.
Rye was the first one to break the comfortable silence that created between us.

Rye:" i love you"

He whispered in my ear.

Bella:" i love you too"

I cuddled in his chest and slowly fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

I hope you enjoyed.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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