Rye-imagine For Bella (smut)

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Bella's pov:

Bella:" babe, I'll start heading to the hotel. I'm tired."

I said to rye while he talked to Andy.
We are all out for dinner in a restaurant in Manchester.
The boys are on tour and I'm with them for a week.
Of course, rye and I share a room.

Rye:"I'll come with you, I don't want you to go around alone this late."

I nodded before resting my head on his shoulder.
He finished his conversation with Andy, then he paid the bill and we started heading back to the hotel.
We walked holding hands down the streets.
The streerlights were on and there was a full moon. It was so romantic.
As we reached the hotel we got in the elevator and got to our floor.
I opened the door and we got in.

Bella:" rye can I borrow your sweater?"

He looked at me and took off his sweater. I love wearing the jumpers he wore so that they smell like him.
He handed it to me and I took it.
I took off my t-shirt and quickly threw on his sweater. Then I took off my jeans. The jumper was so long that it was like a dress.
I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly I felt rye's hands on my waist.
He looked at me through the mirror.

Rye:" you're so gorgeous."

He said leaving a trial kiss on my neck.
He slowly slid his hand on my thigh, going under the jumper.

Bella:" rye what are you doing?"


He lifted the hem of the sweater and moved my underwear, quickly entering my core.
My eyes shut close and and I rested my head back on his shoulder.

Rye:" baby, look in the mirror."

He whispered in my ear.
The he nibbled on my earlobe and I did as he told me. I looked at my self in the mirror, my cheek were a deep shade of red, my breath was heavy, my hair was messy and my lips were parted letting small noise leave them.
He pulled his fingers  out of my centre and made me turn around.
Then he crashed his lips on mine. The kiss was immediately rough and passionate.
His hands rested on my waist pulling me closer.
He kissed me passionately and soon after his lips were on my neck kissing and nibbling on my hot skin.
He helped me getting rid of the sweater I was wearing and suddenly we were lying on the bed.
My hands tangled in his hair tugging slightly.
He let out a low groan and I bit my lower lip as he sucked on my neck.
It turns me on so much.
His hands went down to my bum squeezing it.
I rolled my hips on his feeling his hardness on my pulsing core.
I took off his shirt leaving his chest on show.
Then i flipped is over so that i was on top.
I kissed down his chest. As i reached the waistband if his pants i slid them off with his underwear.
In a bit we were both naked.
He slowly entered me and i gasped at the sudden feeling.
He pushed in me repeatedly at a slow pace.
We were breathing heavily, moaning each other names.
He buried his head in the crock of my neck.
His breath sent shivers down my skin, cooling it down.
I dig my nails in his back as he sped the pace.
A warm feeling raised quickly in my lower stomach and in a few minutes i reached my climax.
He collapsed on me breathing heavily.
He left a kiss on my neck before laying next to me.
He wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me even closer.

Rye:"I love you."

He said befone closing his eyes.

Bella:" I love you too."

I closed my eyes too and listened to his breathing rhythm, slowly falling asleep.

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