Brook-imagine For Michaela (smut)

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Michael's pov:

Brook and I were getting bored at home so we decided to go to west field and do some shopping.
We just got out of top man.
Brook bought a t-shirt.
He had a bag in a hand and he was holding mine with the other.
Our fingers were intertwined.
Suddenly I heard a voice behind me.
I turned and saw Liam, my ex.
We broke up in good terms but we never really kept in touch.

Liam:" hey Michaela, how have you been?"

He stopped in front of us, smiling.
Brook held my hand tighter.

Ella:" hey, I've been good."

I smiled back just to be polite.

Liam:" well, I see. You're beautiful as always."

He's always been a bit of a flirt with everyone.
Even when we were together he flirted with my friends.
Brook wrapped his ram around my waist and pulled me closer.
He hates when I talk to boys and him flirting doesn't help.

Ella:" yeah, thanks. What about you?"

Liam:" fine. What are you doing here?"

He asked checking me out.
I looked at brook and I could literally see the smoke coming out of his ears.

Ella:" just shopping."

Before he could answer brook spoke.

Brook:" now we have to go. Bye. "

Brook said quickly.

Liam:" it was good to see you. "

He smiled warmly.

Ella:" bye."

I answered.
Then brook dragged me away.
He started walking towards the exit  and I tried to stop.

Ella:"brook where are we going?"

Brook:" home, come on let's go."

He said sternly.

Ella:" what? Why? I thought you were bored at home."

I asked confused.

Brook:" I wanna go home."

He ran his hands through his hair and looked at me dead serious in the eyes.

Ella:" OK! Let's go. "

I followed him out of the building and got in the car.
He started the car and drove off to home.
The whole way home was silent and I could feel the tension filling the vehicle.
As we got home he went to the bedroom and never left the room.
I drank a glass of water before going upstairs.
I knocked on the door and opened the door hesitantly.
He was sat on the edge bed staring at his phone.
As I stepped closer to him he put down his phone and looked at me.
I got on top of him straddling his lap.
He rested his hands on my hips.

Ella:" baby, what's wrong?"

I asked tugging at his hair slightly.

Brook:" nothing. I didn't like that guy."

He doesn't know he's my ex but I think it's better like this.

Ella:" are you sure? Aren't you jealous?"

Brook:" no, not at all."

Ella:" I mean Liam called me beautiful and-"

He didn't let me finish.

Brook:" fine you're right I'm jealous. But he was checking you out."

Ella:" yes, I know. But I'm yours."

I smiled ta him and his expression got back to relaxed.

Brook:" say it again."

Sometimes I find his need to feel me close and his a bit stupid but then I realize he's scared of losing me.
So I just indulge him.

Ella:" I'm yours. "

I smiled and his lips were on mine kissing me roughly.
His grip tightened around my waist and I ground on him.
He squeezed my butt slightly.
He pulled apart and started nibbling and kissing my neck.
I let my head fall back, leaving him more space to kiss.
I rested my hands on his shoulders and one of them slowly ran up his neck and tugged at his hair.
A moan left my lips as I found her sweet spot.
His hands slid under my top and took it off.
Then he cupped my breast and kneaded my skin through the thin lacey fabric.
I took off him t-shirt.
I pushed him down on the bed and started kissing down his chest.
His hands roamed on my body.
As i reached his waistline I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down.
as I got back on him I he flipped us over.
Now that he was on top he kissed down my chest and took off my jeans.
He left a kiss right on my core and a small whine left my lips.
He looked up at me smirking before lacing his fingers with the waistband on my panties and pulling them down.
Without any hesitation he flicked his tongue in me.
His hands kneaded every inch of my skin.
A warm feeling quickly raised in my lower stomach as he moved faster.
A lod moan left my lips as I released all the tension.
Then he kissed ho my stomach and his lips met mine again.
He took off his underwear and he didn't wait a second before thrusting into me.
I gasped at the sudden feeling and he started pushing in and out of me quickly.

Brook:" your mine baby."

He whispered in my ear as he trusted back and forth.
I gripped on his back and left red marks.
I buried my head in his neck and breathed his scent.

Ella:" yes, I am yours."

I moaned as a warm feeling filled my senses.
His nameeft my lips but he didn't stop moving.
His pushes became weaker until he came.
He laid on top of me breathing heavily.
I wrapped my arms around him before he rolled next to me.
I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

Brook:" I'm sorry I acted so angrily. I wa st mad at you."

Ella:" I know. it's ok"

He stroked my hair gently.

Brook:" I love you, ella."

He kissed my head and drew sma shapes on my bare back.

Ella:" I love you too."

Hope you like the imagine for BrookiesGirl
Follow my Instagram account @aurora_fowler04

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