Rye-imagine For Lauren

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Lauren's pov:
I was in my office. in thirty minutes I can go home and finally relax.
I heard a knock on the door.
I wonder who it is. It's quite late to be my boss or the secretary.
Lauren:" come in."
I said looking up from my laptop.
I looked at the door and rye came in.
Rye:"Hey, Lauren."
I quickly got up and walked towards him and stopped in front of my desk.
I took off my glasses and as I sta kn the edge of my desk. I made sure that my skirt didn't raise on my leg.
Lauren:" hey Ryan."
I smiled at him. He's kind of my crush.
Since I started working here he was friendly and sweet with me and he's even hot. I see him everyday, he's always wearing a shirt and a jacket with a pair of matching trousers.

Today he was wearing a black shirt and a grey set, jacket and pants.
It fit him perfectly.
His muscles clenched under the sleeves as he moved.
His hair fell softly over his forehead,he was wearing glasses, which made his eyes look brighter.
Rye:" I was wondering if you'd like to get dinner with me?"
He said looking at me from head to toe.
I told myself to play it off cool and answer.
Lauren:" yes."
As I answered he smiled widely.
Lauren:" my shift ends in thirty minutes. I still have to finish a file. "
I said pointing at my computer.
Rye:" do you need help?"
Lauren:" no, I'll be as quick as possible."
I said getting up from the desk.
Rye:" if I help we'll be quicker."
I gave in and let him sit at my desk as I sat on

it next to him.
I crossed a leg over the other and pulled down the skirt that raised on my leg.
I could feel his gaze on every move I did.
I looked at him and smiled shyly.
He smiled back and looked ta the screen.
I started telling him what he had to write and he tapped on the keyboard quickly.
Rye:" done"
He said as he saved the file.
I jumped off the desk and got my stuff.
Rye:" let's go."
I nodded and we got out of my office.
As we got in the elevator he stood next to me and without realizing it he grabbed my hand.
I looked at our intertwined fingers and the my eyes met his.
A slight flush of pink spread on his cheeks and he quickly let my hand go.
As the doors of the elector opened we got out and got in his car.
Rye:" I hope you like nando's."

He said while driving.
Layren:" you're kidding, right? It's my favourite restaurant."
A big smile spred on his face.
The drive was a peaceful silence covered by the music playing at the radio.
He drove carefully.
He's face was focused on the road and his eyebrows were furrowed.
Rye:" you ok? "
He asked looking quickly at me.
Lauren:" yes. You?"
Rye:" yes."
He smiled looking at me through the small mirror.
Through the rest of the journey with exchanged some smiles.
After a while we were at the restaurant.
As we were there we got in and sat at a table.
Rye:" so, how was your day?"
Lauren:" kinda boring. I do always the same things. What about you?"

I asked resting my chin on my hand.
Rye:" today a new apprentice arrived. She's so annoying and she's has to work with me."
I laughed quietly at his comment ob the new girl.
Lauren:" I met her during lunch break she seemed nice. "
I said defending her.
Rye:" trust me, she seems nice but it's a trap. She keeps asking questions and she just won't stop talking. "
He laughed a bit.
Lauren:" ok, I'll be careful."
I winked.
Rye:" She's gonna be in our company for three months and I don't think I can stand her for so long. "
I giggled as he spoke.
Lauren:" Ryan, be nice to her. I think she just feels out of place. She needs to settle in."
Rye :" fin but promise me that you'll help me."

Lauren:" promised. "
Then the waiter interrupted our conversation to take our order.
She wrote quickly our order and then went to the kitchen.
After an hour or so we were done with dinner and decided to go for a walk.
As we walked he took my hand in his and he intertwined our fingers.
I looked at our fingers and then up at him.
His eyes met mine. they riflected the sunlight through his glasses.
They looked even deeper.
Rye:" I've never noticed that your eyes were so light. They're really pretty."
I looked down, blushing a bit.
Lauren:" Thank you."
I said quietly.
Then we started walking again.
The streets were full of people and he kept me close to him.
Rye:" shall we go back to the car? "

After about thirty we headed back to the car.
Once again in the car a comfortable silence fell upon us.
In a bit he pulled up in front of my house.
Lauren:" thank you for the nice night."
I smiled at him.
Rye:"I had a lot of fun. We should do this again."
I nodded at his statement.
Lauren:" well, see you tomorrow."
I was about to open the door but he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.
I turned to look at him.
I met his eyes and immediately got lost in them.
Lauren:" what?"
He looked at me intensively and I involuntarily took my gaze off his and looked at my hands, playing with my bracelet.
He slowly lifted my chin with his fingers and made me look at him.

He leaned on me hesitantly.
Then the only thing I felt were his lips on mine.
I closed my eyes and got lost in that sweet delicate kiss.
His soft lips moved on mine capturing them in his.
Ashe pulled apart I kept my eyes closed, fearing the moment our eyes would meet again.
I slowly opened them and I saw those brown deep, diamonds.
He smiled sweetly at me, biting softly his lower lip.
Rye:" I.... I like you. A lot."
Lauren:"I like you too. A lot."
We both giggled.
Rye:" will you be my girlfriend?"
I was kind of shocked but my mouth spoke without giving me time to think.
Lauren:" yes."
I said smiling happily.
Then he kissed me again.

After that we said goodbye and I went home, feeling over the moon.

This is the imagine requested.
Hope you like it.
Follow my Instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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