Jack-imagine For Talia (smut)

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Talia's pov:

I was walking down the street with Jack.
We just got back from school. Six hours of boring and stupid classes.
Everyday, after school, he walks me home.

Jack:" how was your day?"

He said looking at me.
It was a sunny day of spring and his eyes reflected the sunlight.
They looked so bright.

Talia:" boring, though I Eliza made Jessica shut the fuck up. It was hilarious."

I said laughing.
Jessica is the nitch of the school and Eliza is a close friend of mine.

Jack:" finally, she's a bitch."

Talia:"yes I agree with that too."

We laughed.

Talia:" how did your day go?"

Jack:" fine nothing as special as Eliza VS Jessica."

Then we walked in silence until he spoke.

Jack:" do you have any plan for this afternoon?"

Talia:" no, not really. Why?"

Jack:" maybe we could do something together."

Suddenly I felt a bit embarrassed.

Talia:" yes, do you want to watch Netflix at mine's?"

I suggested.

Jack:" yes."

As he said that we reached my house.
We got in and I left my bag on the floor next to the door.
All the lights were off. No one was home.
We went upstairs, to my room and I immediately switched the TV on.
We both sat crossed leg on my bed and looked at the screen.
He stayed silent as we watched the movie.
Suddenly I felt his gaze on me.
I looked at him and his eyes met mine.
A small smile appeared on my face and he did a shy smile too.
I looked back at the screen when I felt his hand on my knee.
I looked at his hand and then up at him.
His gaze was directed to me and all of a sudden his lips were on mine.
Our lips moved in sync and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
I let him guide me on his lap as he kissed me.
I straddled his lap and his hands rubbed slowly my bare legs.
I'm wearing the school uniform, that consist in a skirt and a shirt for girls and trousers and shirt for boys. I hate wearing it.
He moved his lips on my neck leaving a wet trial of kisses on it while I started undoing the buttons of his shirt.
I helped him taking it off.
I wrapped my arms around. D his neck and my hands tangled in his hair.
As he unbuttoned my sit his fingers traced a line on my skin, from my collar to my waist line.
I took it of and he started kissing my chest.
I pushed him down on the bed and started kissing down his chest.
He untied my ponytail and my hair fell softly over my shoulders.
He rolled us over so that he was on top.
He kissed me as he unzipped my skirt and pulled it off.
Then he moved my underwear and without any warning he entered me with a finger.
My breath hitched and my back arched, making my chest press on his.
He moved his fingers in me slowly.
His lips met mine and I gently bit on his lower lip, making him groan on my lips.
Then he left my core and kissed my neck.
Talia:" the first drawer."
I sat up as he took the blue package from my bedside table.
He took off his pants and got on the bed again.
He kneeled in front of me.
We stared into each other's eyes.
I kneeled and leveled my face to his.
I ran my fingers over his shoulders and took a deep breath.
He rested his hands on my hips and pulled me closer.
He kissed me roughly.
Then I laid back down on the bed and he took off my underwear and his.
He rolled on the condom and positioned his self between my legs.
In a swift move he entered me.
I gasped at the sudden feeling.
As he pushed in an dput of me he grabbed the back of my knee and wrapped my leg around his waist.
From this angle my hips started thrusting towards his.
A warm feeling started building up in my lower stomach as he increased the pace.
A shaky breath left my mouth as I ride out my orgasm.
I buried my head on his neck and his thrusts became sloppier.
He reached his highest and laid his head on my chest, breathing heavily.

Jack:" well, that's an afternoon spent well."

He said lying next to me.

Talia:" yep."

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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