Rye-imagine for vicky

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Vicki's pov:

A few days ago I found out a boyband called roadtrip.
In the band there's this good looking guy.
Ryan Beaumont.
He looks so hot.
I was chilling on the sofa when my phone beeped.
"It must be one of my friends" it's what i thought but when I looked at the notification I saw ryan's profile picture.
"Ryebeaumont liked your post"
I couldn't believe at my eyes after a few seconds another notification came up.

"Ryebeaumont: hey"

What the hell?! I didn't hesitate before opening instagram and answer him.
I just went with a simple "hey"
And since then we didn't stop texting.
It's been days.
He's so lovely I never want to stop talking to him.
We were talking about nothing when he came up with the idea of meeting up somewhere.
We both love in London so we decide to meet at the ice skating rink on Friday.
I'm so nervous about meeting him.
What if he doesn't like me.
I mean he's in a band and he's got as hell and I, well I'm me.
A boring normal girl.
I work in a stupid office while studing in uni.
Actually It started as a work expierce there but now I work there.
It's finally Friday and even though I'm nervous I can't wait to meet him.
I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before taking everything I needed and hopped in the car.
I wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a wool jumper with a nice criss cross detail on the front.
I drive the ice skating rink and I
immediately spot him.
He was leaning on a wall looking around. When he spot me too, he waved at me and I waved back.
He had a wide smile on. As I reached him he hugged me.

Rye:"hi Vicky. How are you?"

Vicky:" I'm fine you?"

I was a bit embarassed.

Rye:"fine thanks. Do you wanna go in the rink?"

He asked stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Vicky:" I really suck at ice skating"

I giggles a bit.

Rye:" it doesn't matter I'll help you."

He smiled. He's so cute.

Vicky:" then fine"

So we just got in.
As soon as I stepped on the ice I nearly fell.
Rye for in and before I could fall he took my hands and saved me.

Vicky:" thank you"

I blushed a bit. I'm already embarassing myself and I've been here not even for thirty minutes.

Rye:" just take my hand and I'll help you"

He smiled at me holding my hand.
I gripped his hand tightly and then we started moving.
He explained me how to share and I slowly ot used to it.

Rye:" try alone."

Vicky:" no. I'm gonna fall"

Rye:" no you're not. You are doing well. Just try. I won't let you fall"

He tried to convince and I don't know why but I trusted him. There was something in his eyes that made me feel safe.
I let go of his hand before looking at him.

Vicky:" promised?"

Rye:" promised I'll be right by your side"

I started moving a step after the other.

Vicky:" I'm doing it "

Rye:" see there's nothing to worry about"

And just as he said that I tripped but he was so ready that he caught me. Again.
This time he gripped on my waist and made me stand up.
We were really close. Our chests were pressed against each other and out noses were nearly touching.
My breath hitched and my heart skipped a beat.
Suddenly he closed the gap between us and our lips were glued to each other.
As we pulled apart I giggled. I don't even know why.

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