Mikey-imagine For Danielle

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Danielle's pov:

I was pacing in the room. I'm so nervous.
I'm waiting for the make-up artist. The hairdresser just finished doing my hair.
Today is the big day. The day I'm going to get married.
I still can't believe I'm marring Mikey, in a few hours.
When finally the make-up artist arrived and did my make up.
Then she took care also of the braidmaids and in two hours or so we were all ready.
My two sisters and mikey's sisters were the braidmaids.
They were all dressed in baby blue while I was wearing my white dress. It was simple yet really beautiful.
I had my hair all up with small flowers in it.
Then we got out of the house and got in the car.
My dad drove us to the church.
As we were there I got our of the car and stopped in front of the church.
There were flowers at the entrance and a white carpet extended across the whole central nave.
The doors opened and the braidmaids walked in.
Then it was my turn I looped my arm around my dad's and walked in.
As I stood in the nave I saw Mikey.
He was standing next to the priest.
He was wearing a blue suit.
His curls fell softly over his forehead, his blue eyes shine at the bright light coming from behind me and a wide smile grew on his face.
Near him there were the boys they were all in blue suits.
I walked with my dad towards him.
And I couldn't help it but smile.
As we reached him my dad left me and Mikey took my hand in his.
I gave my sister the bouquet and took
mikey's hands in mine.
A few tears slid down my cheeks as the priest celebrated the function.
Then, after the kiss we walked down the nave holding hands while the guests threw rose petals on us.
After that we went to the restaurant.
First we had a drink with some appetizers then the actual lunch started.
The food was delicious and after lunch we made the speeches.
After a while the boys went on stage and sang just after that it was time for our first dance.
He took my hand and walked towards the dance floor.
Thinking out loud by Ed sheeran started playing and he wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck and we started swinging around.

Mikey:" you look stunning."

He smiled looking into my eyes.

Danielle:"thank you."

I smiled back.

Mikey:" I can't believe we are married."

Danielle:" I can't either."

Then he slowly leaned on me and his lips met mine.
Everytime he kisses me it's like the first time.
I feel butterflies in my stomach and a smile grows on my face.
After the first dance the disco music started and we were all dancing and having fun.
Around two in the morning everyone was gone and Mikey and I went to our new house.
He drove there and as we were arrived we got out of the car.
Then he lifted me off the ground bridal style and carried me to the door.

Danielle:" Mikey!"

I said laughing.
He laughed with me and just got in with me in his arms.
As we were in he let me down.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his blue eyes.

Danielle:" I love you so much."

Mikey:" I love you too."

As we said that we shared a sweet kiss.
I could never imagine my life without him.

Hope you like this new wedding imagine.
Follow my Instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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