Rye-imagine For Jesse (smut)

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Jesse's pov:

I was on the bed, reading a book when rye got I  the room.

Rye:"babe, do you know where my pink sweater is? I can't find it."

He asked in a rush.
as he looked at me he noticed the pink sweater he's looking for.
He gave me a death glare.

Jesse:" no, i don't"

I said innocently.
He walked towards the bed.

Rye:" babe you know I can see it right?"

Jesse:" I don't know what you're talking about. "

I laughed quietly.

Rye:" can you, please, give me my hoodie? "

He asked sitting on the edge of the bed. I closed the book I was reading and left it on the mattress.

Jesse:" but it's warm and it smells like you"

Rye:" I know you like it but can I have
it back? I have to go."

Jesse:" where do you have to go"

Rye:" to the shop."

Jesse:" fine.."

I moved and sat right in front of him and took off his jumper.
I could feel how burning gaze on my skin.
I handed him his top but he didn't take it.

Rye:"babe, I'm so glad that you were wearing that"

He smirked before crushing his lips  on mine.
The kiss was passionate and rough.
We moved further back on the bed.
His body was on mine and one of his hands lifted my left leg and I wrapped it around him.
I could already feel his hardness on my lower stomach.
He pulled apart just to start kissing my neck.

Jesse:" rye, what about the shop?"

I asked breathing heavily.

Rye:" it can wait"

He said while kissing my skin.
I nodded and involuntarily closed my eyes.
His hands roamed around my body.
Shivers were going down my spine and a suddenly I felt really hot.
He kissed down my stomach and without realizing it he had already talked off my underwear.
He started kissing down my leg and then as he reached my ankle he kissed up the other one.
As he reached the apix between my legs he flicked his tongue in me and started moving it slowly.
Aman left my mouth, my head tilted back and my back arched.
I tangled my hand in his hair and pulled him closer.
He started going faster and the pleasure he was giving me was pure ecstasy.
His name left my mouth a thousand of times shamelessly.
But before I could reach my climax he stopped leaving me with a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction.
My eyes immiadatly opened.
a playful smirk was tugging at the corners of his lips.

Rye:" you were wearing my top without my permission"

He smirked even more before kissing me again.
He pulled apart just to take off his clothes and I couldn't belt it but stare at his body shamelessly.
His toned abs and that tanned skin.
I've always found him attractive.
He hovered over me again he started kissing my neck again, leaving small marks.
Then he took off his underwear and in a quick move he entered me.
I gasped at the sudden feeling.
He started pushing in and out of me slowly.
I dug my nails in his back leaving marks all over it, while he groaned and buried his head in my neck.
He breath on my hot skin sent shivers down my body.
Once again I arched my back feeling his chest pressed on mine.
Then a warm feeling raised in my lower stomach and I felt electricity spreading in my body.
His name left my lips loudly and mine left his'.
His body collapsed on the mattress next to me.
We both were breathing heavily.

Rye:" you can wear my clothes whenever you want."

Jesse:" I will. I love you"

I left a kiss on his lips before cuddling up to his chest.
He kissed my head and hugged me tightly.

Rye:"I love you too"

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