andy-imagine for Nina

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Nina's pov:

Today we are going to a wedding and we had to dress smartly.
And it's my best friend's wedding so I got to look good.

Andy:" hey, baby are you ready?"

Andy said entering the room.
I looked at him.
He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a pink tie.
Which is matching my dress.

Nina:" what? Do I look bad?"

He didn't let me finish that a "wow" left his mouth.

Andy:" you look perfect"

He smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me
closer. As i stepped towards him my black heels clicked on the wooden floor.
I fixed his tie and didn't let go of it.

Nina:" well, thank you. You look good too. You are giving me Christian grey vibes."

I said referring to fifty shades of grey.
He smirked.

Andy:" well, since I am like crhistian grey, I can do this"

He said before smacking my bum.

Nina:" yes, you can bit since we are going to be late if we don't hurry up we have to go."

As i said that he laughed quietly.
He left a quick kiss on my lips and
then we got downstairs.
We got in the car and drove to the church.
After a while we were there.
We got out and i immediately spotted one of my closest friends.
We walked holding hands towards the crowd of people.
As we finished greeting everyone we got in the church.
The ceremony was beautiful, when my best friend walked in I nearly cried. She looked stunning.
After the ceremony we went a restaurant near the church.
As we all got there we had a drink with some appetizers.
Then it was time for lunch.
Without realising it, it was already dark outiside.
It was already time for the first dance of the new married couple.
They looked so cute.
I hope that one day I'll be just like them: madly in love dancing on my wedding day.
Andy got up and stretched his arm out for me to take his hand. 
I took his hand we started slow dancing. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I around his neck.
I rested my head on his shoulder and he left a kiss on my neck.

Andy:" i love you so much"

He whispered in my ear.

Nina:" i love you too"

We kept in dancing and slowly I started getting sleepy.

Andy:" i can't wait for us to be just like them. To get married and start a family together"

Nina:" i can't wait too"

I smiled and i could his smile on my shoulder.
We spent the night dancing and having fun.
Then when we were tired we decided to get back home. We congratulated once again with my best friend and then we got in the car and drove back

Andy:" it was a really nice wedding."

He said as we got in our room.

Nina:" yes it was."

I took off my shoes, they were killing me.

Nina:" andy can you unzip my dress, please?"

Andy:" yes come here"

I walked towards him and turned around.
He slowly unzipped my dress. His fingers barely touched my skin and he still managed to make me shiver.

Nina:" thank you"

We both finished changing and got in bed.
He wrapped his arms around my small frame and pulled me closer.

Andy:" goodnight, I love you"

Nina:" i love you too good night"

With that I slowly fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

Hope you liked the new Imagine.
Follow my Instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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