Mikey-imagine For Amy (smut)

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Amy's pov:

Mikey and I just got out of the restaurant.
It's our first month anniversary and we decided to go out for dinner.
We already ate and now we are doing a walk in the busy streets of London.
There are a lot of people so Mikey keeps me close.
He's holding my hand tightly as we strolled through the road.

Mikey:" did you like dinner?"

Amy:" yes it was really nice."

Suddenly the wind blew through my hair and made me shiver.

Mikey:" are you cold?"

He asked cwith a caring tone.

Amy:"just a bit."

He let go of my hand and started taking his leather jacket off.
I didn't even try to stop him because I knew he wouldn't listen to me.
He handed me his jacket and I took it quietly.

Amy:" thank you."

I mumbled.
I grabbed his hand again and we continued our walk.
After a while we got tired and decided to get home.
So we got in the car and he drove to mine's.
As we got there we both got out of the car and he walked me to the door of my flat.

Mikey:" it was a really nice night."

He said looking onto my eyes.
I immediately got lost in his.

Amy:" yes. Do you wanna come in?"

I asked.

Mikey:" yes."

As he said that we got in and I close the door behind me.

Amy:" would you like a glass of wine?"

Mikey:" just if you have one too."

I smiled at him and went to the kitchen.
I took two glasses from the cupboard and filled them with white wine.
As I moved I felt two strong arms around my waist.

Amy:" hey."

I said resting my hands on his.

Mikey:" hey."

I giggled and he rested his chin on my shoulder.
Then he left a kiss on my bare shoulder and I took the glasses of wine and followed him to the living room.
I set the glasses on the coffee table mad sat on the sofa with one leg bent under the other one.
As I took a sip of wine I felt his gaze on every move a did.
I looked at him and felt the urge to kiss him.
I quickly pecked his lips and as we pulled apart our noses were touching.
Without saying a word he connected his lips to mine.
He captured my lips in his and gently bit on them.
I ran my hand through his black curls and his hands wrapped on my waist.
I'm a quick move I moved on top of him.
His hands rubbed up and down my bare legs.
Then as he kissed me he laid on the sofa.
I was on top.
I started kissing down his neck, earning a groan when I found his sweet spot.
I undid the buttons of his shirt and took it off, kissing down his chest.
Then he sat up and quickly unzipped my dress.
I pulled the straps off.
He kissed and nibbled my skin, going up and down my chest.
He unclasped my bra and took it off.
Then he made me lay down as he took off my dress.
His lips met mine again and his hands kneaded my breast, making me moan in pleasure.
After that he took off his pants and hovered over my body again.
He laced his fingers in the waistband of my underwear and pulled it off.
Then I played with the edge of his underwear, sign for him to take if off.
Without waiting any farther he positioned between my legs and quickly eased inside me.
He pushed in me slowly and gradually he increased the pace.
My hands tangled in his hair and his were one by my side and the other one was massaging my leg.
We breathed heavily as we moved in sync.
My hips writhed underneath him.
I felt his thrusts becoming weaker and my legs started shaking.
We whispered " I love you" to each other as we reached our climax.
He laid next to me and pulled me closer by my waist.
He left a kiss on my back and rested his head on the sofa.

Mikey:" I love you."

Amy:" love you too, baby."

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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