rye-imagine for Ellie (smut)

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Ellie's pov:

Today's Valentine's day and rye and I decided to go out for dinner and then come back home.
We are going to a nice restaurant in the town center.
I wore a plain blue dress and a pair of white sneakers. I hate heels. I also wore a leather jacket.
He's about to arrive.
After a bit I heard the door bell.
I went to the door and opened it. In front of me rye appeared.

Rye:" hey, baby. Happy Valentine's day"

He pecked my cheek.

Ellie:" happy Valentine's day babe"

Then he handed me a paper bag.

Ellie:" rye we said no gift. I didn't get you anything"

Now I feel so bad.
We got into the house and sat on the sofa.

Rye:" it doesn't matter. Just open it"

I opened the bag. There was a rose,  a box of chocolates and a teddybear.

Ellie:" thank you so much. I love it"

Rye:" I'm glad you like it"

I hugged him and then we went downstairs, got in the care and drove to the restaurant.
After an hour or so we were done with dinner.
We drove back to my place. as I was unlocking the door rye started kissing my neck.
He wrapped his fingers on my hips.

Ellie:" rye, stop"

I said giggling a bit.

Rye:" no"

He kept on kissing my skin. When finally I managed to open the door rye pushed me quickly inside and then pushed me against it.
Rye's body was pressed on mine and without letting me say anything he smashed his lips on mine in a a sweet kiss that soon turned into a hungry one.
His hands roamed around my body.
Shivers were going down my spine and a suddenly I felt really hot.
He quickly lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his body whithout breaking the kiss.
He then started walking towards my bedroom.
Soon after I felt the soft plushness of the mattress underneath my body and he hovered over me.
He broke the kiss, drawing my lips between his teeth, and started kissing down my neck, searching for my sweet spot.
As he found it he started nibbling, leaving a mark on my skin, and it was stronger than me. I let a moan fall out my lips making him smirking on my skin.
He took my dress throwing it somewhere on the floor.
Then he moved me easily on top of him.
So I was straddling him.
I unbuttoned his shirt and lowered my lips on his skin leaving a wet trial of kisses down his body, nibbling on his skin, leaving marks, making him moan shamelessly.
I missed my way down to his belt and took off his pants.
All of a sudden ibwas underneath him with one of my legs over his shoulder.
He rolled his hips on mine making me feel his hardness.
He kissed down my chest, then took off my bra and then started kissing down my skin again.
This time he found the waistband of my underwear and slid it down ny legs leaving me completly naked.
He removed his underwear and entered me slowly, making me feel every bit of his actions.
He started with a slow pace, getting faster and faster until we reached our climax.
He laid next to me and rested his head in my chest.
We both were breathing heavily.
He listened carefully to my heartbeat that slowly got back to its normal beat.

Rye:" I love you"

He said looking up at me.

Ellie:" I love you too."

He put his head back on my chest and I stroked gently his hair.

Hope you liked the new imagine.
Foloiw my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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