Mikey-imagine for paula

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Paula's pov:

Today Mikey is taking me somewhere. He said it's a surprise.
I'm so excited but at the same time nervous.
I don't even know why.
I checked in the mirror that I looked at least fine.
I wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a red bodysuite.
Then I heard the doorbell.
It must be him.
I went to the door and opened it.
In front of me there was a smiling mukey with a bouquet of flowers.

Mikey:" hello, beautiful. These are for you."

Paula:" thank you. Mikey. It's so sweet of you"

He then left a quick kiss on my lips.

Paula:" I missed you do much"

I hugged him tightly.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.
If it's even possible.
He just finished your it's nearly a month that I don't see him.
As we pulled apart I took the flowers and put them in some water.

Mikey:" shall we go?"

Paula:" yes let me take my purse"

I quickly took my purse and then we went downstairs.
We hopped in the car and drove to the mystery destination.

Paula:" how was tour?"

Mikey:" it was amazing. I had so much fun."

We then stayed silent listening to the radio.

Mikey:" what did you do while I was away"

Paula:" not a lot. I hanged out a lot with Jenny."

We kep on chatting until Mikey stopped the car.
We were at the natural park.

Mikey:" let's go"

We got out the car and started walking.
After a bit he stopped me.

Mikey:" close your eyes"

Paula:" what?"

Mikey:" close your eyes. Just do it"

He smiled.
I was a bit confused but I just went with it.
I closed my eyes and he wrapped his finger around my wrist.

Paula:" mikey please don't make me fall"

Mikey:" i won't. Now go to the left"

As I did what he said I tripped on something but two strong arms wrapped around my waist and saved me from falling.
As I was back on my feet mikey started laughing.
My eyes shot open.

Paula:" that's not funny. I was about to die!"

I shouted.

Mikey:" I told you I wouldn't let you fall and by the way you're being dramatic"

He laughed again.

Paula:" no,I'm not"

Ok, maybe a bit.

Mikey:" yes, you are"

Paula:" whatever. Are we there?"

I sighed.

Mikey:" yes, turn around"

I turned around to see a blanket on the grass and a basket.

Paula:" oh my God. It's so cute"

Mikey:" i'd do anything for my princess"

I looked at him. He was smiling just like me.

Paula:" thank you, so much"

I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.
He instantly hugged me back.
I left a kiss on my head.

Mikey:" I love you"

I pulled apart and looked up at him.
This is the first time he says "i love you".
He looked at me unsure wether he said it in the right moment or not.
I was a bit taken aback.
But as soon as I realised what just happened I answered.

Paula:" I love you too"

I was so happy that I cupped his cheeks and kissed him.

Hope you enjoyed the read.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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