andy-imagine for Alivia

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Alivia's pov:

Today Andy is taking me to the natural park.
He said he wanted to talk to me.
We've been friends for a long time. Maybe six or seven years.
He's the kindest, cutest and most lovely guy in the world.
I have a small crush on him. But calling it small is underating my feelings.
He's always there when I need him.
He knows how to make me smile.
He knows how to cheer me up.
He can make me feel over the moon.
I wore a pair of leggings and one of Andy's jumpers. He left it here a few days ago and I'm not giving it back any time soon.
I let my hair down, just like Andy likes.
I heard the bell rang. It must be Andy. I didn't want him to wait outside so I ran to the door and opened quickly.

Andy:"isn't that my jumper?"

Alivia:" i dont know what you're talking about.."

I pretended.

Andy:" I like it on you. It looks cute."

He smiled. I felt heat raising to my cheeks, they turned red.
This boy is going to kill me sooner or later.
I shyly tucked a stroke of hair behind my ear and looked down.

Andy:" do you wanna go?"

I looked at his blue eyes and nodded.
I locked the door abd he took my hand and dragged me out.
We hopped in his car and he drove to our destination.
As soon as we arrived Andy, as the gentleman he is opened my door and helped me out.

Alivia:" thank you"

We started walking along the lake.
The sun was setting everything was so romantic but we are not together.

Andy:" it's so beautiful. Isn't it?"

He said taking my hand.

Alivia:" yes,it is."

He looked at me smiling.

Andy:" but the prettiest view is right next to me."

Alivia:" what?"

Andy:" you, silly"

He laughed quietly.
I looked at him confused.

Alivia:" me?"

Andy:" yes, Alivia you are the most beautiful girl I've ever known and I know you probably don't like me back but I'm still gonna say it."

He took a deep breath.

Andy:" I like you Alivia, I really like"

Alivia:" you like me ? You could have so many girls that are better and you like me?"

Andy:" alivia I like you because you are yourself. No matter what. You are always smiling, I love your cute sneezes and I love when you look at me innocently when I make you blush. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Alivia:" I..I yes, I want to be your girlfriend."

He smiled. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.
As we pulled apart we looked into each others eyes. I got lost in his blue ones.
He slowly started leaning on me and soon after our lips met.
We shared our first kiss.
I couldn't be happier.
Then we kept on walking down the path until we reached a cafe.
We sat at a table and ordered.
Two hot chocolates with cream.

Andy:" what do you want to do later?"

Alivia:" i don't know, you"

Andy:" did you see the new house?"

I shook my head.

Andy:" Well do you wanna go there maybe we can hang out with the boys."

Alivia:" yes it's been ages since I don't see the boys"

After we drank our chocolates we went back to Andy's house.
As we got there is greeted all the boys.
we gave them the news and they were all happy for us.
We all watched a movie together and ordered pizza.

Alivia:" Andy it's late. Can you take me home?"

Andy:" why don't you sleep here. We had so many sleep over"

Alivia:" i dont have anything with me."

Andy:" you can borrow anything you want"

Alivia:" fine."

We went up to his room and he gave me a shirt and a pair of joggers.

Alivua:" thank you"

I changed clothes in the bathroom and as I went back to his room he was already on the bed waiting for me.
I laid next to me. I was on my side facing him.
He turned to look at me.

Andy:" you are so beautiful
He tucked a stroke of hair behind mine ear.

Alivia:"thank you"

I blushed and took off my gaze from his eyes.
He lifted my chin and made me look in his eyes again.
Then he closed the space between us and smahes his lips on mine.

Andy:" goodnight"

He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

Alivia:" goodnight"

I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat slowly falling asleep.

Hope you enjoyed.
Go follow my fanpage on instagram @ Aurora_fowler04

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