Mikey-imagine for tori (smut)

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Tori's pov:

Mikey is about to come here and i dont know if I'm ready.
Dinner? Ready.
Table? Laid.
House? Tidy.
Dress? Oh shit. I forgot the dress im still wearing my apron and my pjs.
I quickly went to my bedroom and changed into a red dress. The upper part had v neck line and the skirt was a A line.
It was simple and comfortable.
After a bit of waiting the door bell rang.
I opened the door and a smiling Mikey appeared.
He had flowers in his hands.

Mimey:" hi baby this are for you."

He excitedly.

Tori:" thank you"

I kissed his lips and let him in.
I put the flowers in the vase and sat on tbe sofa next to him.

Mikey:" so what did you cook?"

He asked curiously.

Tori:" it's a surprise"

Mikey:" well let's go see the surprise then."

We sat at tge table and i served the plates with the lasagna i  cooked.

Mikey:" wow that was delicious"

He said passing me the dirty dishes.

Tori:"it's my mum's recipe"

I started washing the dishes.

Mikey:" well thank your mum gor the recipe and for this amazing body she gave you"

He siad wrapping his arms around my waist.
He started kissing my neck.

Tori:" Mikey let me finish."

Mikey:" try to"

He said running his hands down my thigh lifting my dress.

Tori:" mikey."

I laughed quietly. his hands slid up my leg getting closer to my centre my breath hitched and i stopped washing the dishes.
I rested my hands on the counter to support my weight.
He worked his fingers in me and i tilted my head back to leave more space for him to kiss.
Shivers were going down my spine and a suddenly I felt really hot.
He slowly pumped in me going faster and faster.
I moaned in pleasure and my hands tangled in his hair tugging slightly.
A warm feeling raised in my lower stomach and his name fell out my mouth loudly.
He turned me around. Now i was facing him. His hair was messy.
He kissed  me passionately and in a quick movement i was on the counter.
He was in between my legs.
He slid his hands under my dress and took it off.
He lifted me off the counter. I wrapped my legs around his torso and e walked towards the bedroom.
As we were in he left me on the mattress. He took off his jumper  and hovered over me.
His hands roamed around my body, ending up on my bum. He squeezed it slightly.
I removed his trousers and flipped us over.  I was on top kissing down his body.
Without giving me time to catch my breath he moved me on top of him.
I quickly removed his underwear and lowered myself on him.
He flipped us over so that he was on top.
I arched mt back and once again, his name left my throat loudly.
We laid on the bed next to each other breathing heavily.
He wrapped gis arms around my body and i tested my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.
No one said anything, we both knew that it wasn't necessary.
All the feelings we shared are enough.
He started stroking my hair and we the other hand he was tracing imaginary lines on my back sending shiver down my skin.
Neither of us broke the  comfortable silence that created.
Listening to his heartbeat i slowly fell asleep, happy to be with the best person i could ever find.

I hope you enjoyed.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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