Andy-imagine for amna

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Amna's pov:

Andy:" babe, are you ready?"

He said coming in the room.

Amna:" yep."

I smiled at him.

Andy:" shall we go?"

I looked at his blue eyes and nodded.
Today we are going to London to do some shopping.
I locked the door and he intertwined our fingers.
We headed downstairs.
We hopped in his car and he drove to our destination.
As soon as we arrived Andy, as the gentleman he is. He opened my door and helped me out.

Amna:" thank you"

I blushed a little.
As soon as I got up I was a inche away from Andy.
Our noses were touching and we were looking deeply into each others eyes.
Slowly he closed the space between our lips and we shared a sweet kiss.
Then we headed to the shops.
The first shop we got in is Urbanoutfitters. My favourite shop.
We started looking around and then I went to the fitting rooms to try everything.
Andy was outside of the fitting room so that he can judge all the outfits.
The first one was an Fila t-shirt with a pair of shorts.
I opened the curtain and walked like a model.

Amna:" do you like it?"

Andy:" yes I like it it suits you"

We did so for another few outfits and then we went to some other shops.

Andy:" do you wanna go to a cafè?"

Amna:" yes, I'm tired of walking"

We went to a nice cafè in the centre of London.
From inside we could see the london bridge and the london eye.
It was really pretty.
We ordered some tea and two slices of cake.

Amna:" babe can I try some of yours?"

Andy:" only if I can try yours."

Amna:" fine"

I giggled a bit at our conversation then we exchanged plates and tired each others order.
Then when we finished, ge paid the bill. He didn't wanna let me pay.
Then we headed to the london bridge.
We were walking through the streets holding hands.
The sun was starting to set and we stopped in the middle of the bridge looking at the sunset.
The sky started colouring of orange and different shades of pink.
It was one of the prettiest view I've ever seen.
Suddenly I felt Andy wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

Andy:" hey."

He smiled and I smiled back at him.

Amna:" hey"

I giggled a bit this time.

Andy:" you know, you are really beautiful"

I blushed and looked down.
No matter how many years we've been together, he can always make me blush.

Amna:" thank you. Your handsome too"

Andy""thank you"

He slowly started leaning down.
We were looking into each other's eyes when suddenly he crashed his lips on mine.
As we pulled part we smiled widely at each other.

Andy:" I love you so much. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you for Bering always by my side"

He looked at me with love in his eyes.

Amna:" you don't need to thank me. That's what I'm here for. I love you"

Hope you enjoyed.
Thanx for reading.
Rollos my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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