Rye-imagine For Charlie (smut)

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Charlie's pov:

I was at uni. My last class for the day was about to finish.
It's Spanish class.
Mr Beaumont, the teacher is explain the lats few bits of the lesson.
I listened carefully and took notes as he spoke.
Fter about ten minutes he told us that the class was over and we could go.
I waited that everyone went out of the room and walked towards the teacher.
As he saw me he smiled.

Charlie:" so Mr Beaumont are you still up for our plan?"

I asked grabbing the collar of his jacket.
I sat on the edge of his desk and pulled him closer.
He wrapped ha arms around my waist.

Rye:" yes I am."

He smiled.
Then he kissed me delicately.
I know I shouldn't be my teachers girlfriend but I don't care and neither he does.
We love each other and that's enough.
we planned to have dinner at his house as I live in the dorms and my room mate is always there I think that's the best option.
I let him go and started putting his papers back in his bag.

Rye:" was this your last class?"

He asked looking at me for a quick second.
I was still sat on his desk looking carefully at him.
He muscles clenched under his jacket.

Charlie:" yes."

Rye:" shall we go already? "

Charlie:" yes, It's already quite late."

I said looking at my phone's clock.

Rye:" I'll get my car and you get yours, right?"

He asked.

Charlie:" as we planned."

I hoped down the desk and pecked his lips before walking out of the room.
Although we don't care we have to be careful if someone sees us we'll be in a lot of trouble.
I got in my car and drove to his flat.
In fifteen minutes I was there. I parked and I as got to the front door of the building I saw rye getting in the elevetor.
He saw me and stopped the doors from closing.
I quickly got in and he pressed the third floor button.

Rye:" I'll be back in a minute. I'm gonna change."

He said as we got in his flat.
I've been here a few times and I loved it from the first time.
It's big but not huge and it's so classy but modern.
I sat on the sofa and waited for rye.
Suddenly a voice interrupted my thoughts.

Rye:" do you want a glass of wine?"

Charlie:" yes, thank you."

He came back from the kitchen with two glasses of red wine and sat next to me,placing the glasses on the coffee table.

Rye:" how was your day?"

He asked taking a sip of wine.
I moved closer to him.

Charlie:" good. Yours? "

I kissed his neck as answered.

Rye:" now better."

He said smirking.
I quickly got on his lap and kept on kissing his neck.

Rye:" wow, someone's a bit horny. "

He rested his hands on my hips as I grinded on him.
He mad eme look in his eyes and bit his lip.
Then he quickly attached his lips to mine, kissing me roughly.
I swiped my tongue on his bottom lip
His hands squeezed my bum slightly and without hesitating he cupped the back of my thighs and got up with me in his arms.
He walked towards his bedroom.
As we were in he pushed me against the wall and kissed down my neck.
His hands slid up my legs, lifting my skirt as he let me stand on my feet.
He kneeled down in front me.
He pulled my skirt and my underwear down and without any warning he flicked his tongue in me.
I tangled my hands in his hair.
As he started going dm faster my knees weakened underneath my weight.
I rested a hand on his shoulder to support me.
A small whine left myips as he left my core.
He stood up and kissed my lips.

Rye:" you taste so good."

He smirked.
I pulled usi shirt over his head and threw it somewhere in the room.
I pushed him on the bed and kissed down his chest.
I climbed on top of him and then he flipped is over.
His lisp emt mine again and I undid the drawstring of his joggers.
He pulled down off before kissing me again.
Then he lifted over my head my shirt and let it fall on the floor.
He quickly took of my bra while I played with the waistband of his boxers.
He took them off and got back to kissing my chest.
I quickly got off the bed and took a condom from his bedside table.
As I got on the bed I noticed that rye was looking at me smiling.

Rye:" you're so beautiful."

I smiled at him a tore open the small package and helped him wear the condom.
I laid on the bed.

Rye:" wait, let's try something new."

As he said that he moved me on top of him. He sat up and positioned my legs as he wanted.
Then I lowered my self on him, feeling very bit of him.
A moan left my mouth and he started kissing and nibbling on my neck.
I moved faster on him and gripped on  my waist.
I tested my hands on his braod shoulders and tangled my hands in his hair.
I felt his legs shaking underneath me as he titled his head back in pleasure.
My back arched as I rode out my orgasm.
A loud moan left my lips.
Then he reached his climax.
He laid down with me still on top.
I laid on top of him and rested my head on his chest breathless.

Rye:" wow, baby."

He said breathing heavily.

Charlie:" love you."

Rye:" I love you too."

He said kissing my head.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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