Brook-imagine For Talia (smut)

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Talia's pov:

Talia:" brook, I have to get up or I'll be late."

I said trying to get out of bed but he tightened his grip on my waist.

Brook:" you have to be at work in two hours. Please stay a bit."

He said pulling me even closer.

Talia:" I like to be punctual. Now let me go so I can I have a shower. "

Brook:" fine."

I quickly pecked his lips and as he let go of me I got up and went to the bathroom.
I turned on the water then I took off u clothes and got in the shower.
I made sure that the temperature was fine and got under the stream of water.
My muscles immediately relaxed.
I suddenly felt two strong arms around my waist.
He moved my hair to the side and started leaving small kisses on my shoulders.
His fingers traced imaginary lines up and down my stomach.
I rested my back on his chest and let my head fall back on his shoulder.
He slowly moved his hand down until he reached my core.
Then he entered me with a finger.
I gasped at the sudden feeling while he kissed my neck roughly.
I ran my hand up his shoulder and tangled them in his hair.
I felt my knees weaken under my weight and he wrapped an arm around my waist tightly.
He added another finger and started going faster.
A moan left my lips and I tugged at his hair.
Then he started tracing circles on my clit, pushing me over the edge.
He pushed his fingers in me a few more times before I released my climax.
He got out of me and I turned around to look at him.
His eyes were full of lust.
Our lips met in a rough, passionate kiss.
During the kiss I slid one of my hands down his anbs and reached his length.
I took it in my hand and started pumping him.
He pulled apart from the kiss and I started kissing his neck.
He titled his head to the side leaving more space for my kisses.
My name left his lips. It was a sweet, sexy whisper.
He ran his fingers through my hair.
He groaned lowly and buried his head in my neck as I moved my hand faster.
His hands roamed around my body. One of them squeezed my bum slightly.
Suddenly he stopped me and with a quick move he lifted me off the floor.
I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist.
He slowly entered me.
He pushed in me repeatedly at a slow pace.
We were breathing heavily, moaning each other names.
He buried his head in the crock of my neck.
His breath sent shivers down my skin, cooling it down.
I dag my nails in his back as he sped the pace.
His grip was firm on my hips and he helped me moving on him.
A warm feeling raised quickly in my lower stomach and in a few minutes i reached my climax.
His thrust became sloppier.
After a bit he was done too.
He let stand on my feet and I rested my hands on his chest while he gripped on my waist.
Our eyes met again and he kissed my forehead.

Brook:"I love you."

Talia:" I love you too."

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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