Rye-imagine For Kaylee (smut)

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Kaylee's pov:

I just got back home. I'm so tired.
All I want to do is lie on my bed and sleep.
Before I need a shower.
I went in the bathroom and turned on the water.
I took off my make up.
Then I unzipped my trousers and pulled them down when suddenly I felt two strong arms around my waist.

Kaylee:" hi, I didn't know you were at home."

Rye:" I just arrived"

As he said that he kissed me passionately without any warning.
One of his hands slid under my shirt and took it off.
Then he unclasped my bra and took it off.
Soon after one of his hands was squeezing my butt.
Then he lifted me on the counter.
I tangled my fingers in his hair tugging slightly.
A quite groan left his mouth.
Then his hands went to the waistband of my panties, playing with it and slowly sliding them down my legs.
I did the same with his boxers.
Then he lifted me off the counter and I instantly wrapped my legs around his body.
Then we got in the shower.
The warm water was falling on our hot skin.
I was still in his arms while he pushed me on the wall, without breaking the kiss.
As his lips left mine he started kissing down my neck.
He let me stand on my feet.
Then his mouth left my skin and I was left alone under the water while he was taking some body wash, pouring some in his hands.
Then he pulled me closer, my body was pressing on his and his hardness on my stomach .
He started kneading every inche of my body, leaving a soft lether of soap.
His touch was so sweet and caring, making me crave for more as he went down my body his hands were on my ass.
Then he slowly leaned on me and kissed me sweetly.
Without any warning he entered my core with a finger.
I had a hand on the back of his head pulling him closer.
He was pumping his finger in me and soon after he added another finger pumping faster, while I started kissing his neck searching for his sweet spot.
As I found his weak spot I left a purple mark making him groan.
After a bit his fingers got out me.
My knees became weak and my legs were nearly shaking, so I wrapped my arms around his neck to help me stay up.
He smirked.
I looked at him with hunger. His eyes were full of lust.
Before I knew it I was pushed on the wall and my arms were pinned above my head.
He kissed me passionately.
As he broke the kiss we were both breathless.
He wrapped his arms around my body, without taking his gaze off mine.
He pushed his body on mine, rolling our hips together, feeling his hardness on my core. The friction between us was making me wet.
Me legs were fighting to stay strong and support my weight.
Suddenly he lifted me off the floor and quickly entered me.
I let out a loud moan.
He kissed me suffocating the noises that I couldn't keep in.
The room was filled with our names screamed loudly and the sound of us kissing roughly.
As soon as we finished he put me down, my legs were numb and I nearly fell but rye caught me.
We were looking into each others eyes when finally he smashed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he around my waist.
And again he lifted me off the floor and I wrapped my legs around his body.
We got out the shower without breaking the kiss.
As he broke th kiss he lowered me on the counter.
He wrapped a towel around his body and passed me one.
I wrapped it around my body and followed him in the bedroom.
I laid on the bed and he laid next to me.
He wrapped an arm around my small frameand left a kiss on my neck.

Rye:" I love you."

Kaylee:" I love you too."

Hope you likes the story.
Follow my Instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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