jack-imagine for claudia

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Claudia's pov:

I'm so excited for tonight.
Tonight there's prom.
It's years that i wait fo this night  and i can't believe I'll be going with jack my crush, that now is my boyfriend, since sixth grade.
He asked me to go yo prom and to be his girlfriend at the same time.
It was the best moment of my life.
He, with my parents permission, woke me up singing.
He sang "I'm yours" by Jason Mraz and since then that's our song.
He also got me loads of roses.
He was so sweet.
In a few hours i started getting ready.
In a couple of hours i was ready.
I stopped in front if the mirror.
I looked at my red dress. It hugged perfectly my body.
The shoes made look taller.
My was curled tightly.
My make up was simple but it made my eyes look brighter.
Then i heard the door bell. It must be him. Soon after i heard my mum greeting him.
I smiled in the mirror and walked downstairs.
After a few steps i could see him he was wearing a black suit and he had a red tie, that matched my dress.
Then i looked at his eyes.
As hd saw me a smile appeared on his face and his eyes shone brighter.
My mum was there watching us but in that moment she didn't exist. Everything around us disappeared. It was just us.
I smiled at him before taking the last step down the stairs.

Jack:" you look stunning"

He smiled before handing me a box with the flower i had to put on my wrist. He had a matching one on hus jacket.

Claudia:" thank you"

I smiled.

Jack:" shall we go?"

I nodded.
We got in the car and he drove to our school.
As he stopped he looked at me.

Jack:" are you ready?"

I smiled nervously.

Claudia:" yes"

We both got out and he instantly intertwined our fingers.
As we got in we greeted all our friends.
The music was loud, everyone was dancing, the school gym was decorated perfectly.
Everything was i expected.
Then we let the photographer take a photo if us.

Jack :" do you wanna dance?"

He got up and stretched out his arm for me to take his hand. I gladly accepted and we started dancing in the middle of the dance floor.
We moved to the rhythm of the music. Suddenly the music stopped and a slow dance music started.
He looked at me and wrapped his arms around ny waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We got closet and started dancing.
We both didn't  take our gazes off each other's eyes.
Then i rested my head on his shoulder.
Ad i looked uo at him i got lost in his eyes.
He slowly leaned down on me.
Our noses were touching.
Everyone around us didn't exist anymore. It was him, I and our love.
Then he closed the gap between our lips.
The kiss was sweet and delicate.
He soft lips moved in sync to mine.
I felt sparks in my stomach.
It was our first kiss.
We are both shy, so we take our time for everything. But no matter how much time we took this was the best kiss of my life.
After a few seconds we pulled away.

Jack:" i think i love you."

I looked at him in shock but soon realised that i love him too.

Claudia:" i think i love you too"

I hope you enjoyed.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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