Andy-imagine for izzy

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Izzy's pov:

Andy:"  hi beautiful"

He said kissing me.
He just arrived. He told me to dress fancy as he's taking me out.

Izzy:" hey, you're not bed yourself"

I joked. He took my hand and led me down to his car.

Izzy:" Andy,  where are we going? you know I don't like surprises"

Andy:" you're gonna like this one"

Izzy:" fine"

After a few more minutes he pulled over next the natural park.
We first met there.

Andy:"put this on"

Izzy:" first tell me why we are here"

Andy:" just put this on"

Izzy:" fine"

He said shoving a blindfold.
Without saying a word I turned around and he tied the blindfold over my eyes.
Then I heard a door closing and quick steps then a door opening.
Andy took my hand and helped me out of the car.
Then we strted walking. I was scared of falling over but luckily Andy was by my side.

Izzy:"Andy. please don't let me fall"

Andy:"I won't"

Izzy:" I trust you don't betray me"

I giggled quietly just as him.


After another five minutes Andy stopped and took the blindfold off.
I saw a blanket layed on the ground and fairy lights hanging on a tree.
That was the tree where we first met.
It was so beautiful.
I turned to look at him.

Izzy:" this is amazing. Thank you so much Andy"

He smiled and put an arm around my waist.

Andy:" I'm glad you like it."

Then he kissed me. As we pulled apart we both got lost in each other eyes.

Andy:" shall we sit?"

He asked and I just nodded.
We laid on the blanket.
It was quite late so we just laid there stargazing when suddenly he turned on one side facing me.

Andy:" I love you so much"

Izzy:" I love you too."

I smiled and stood up. I looked at him confused but he starched out his arm for me to take his hand and stand up.
I stood up in front of him.
I still didn't understand what was going on.

Andy:" Izzy"

He took a deep breath before continuing.

Andy:" It's been three years since we first met in here, right under this tree. I still rembered that day: you were sat here reading a book and Rye threw the ball right on your bag so I came here to apologise."

I was on the edge of tears. I can't believe he remembers all of this.

Andy:" and I still remember that while we were talking you sneezed and that was the cutest sneeze I've ever heard. You were so embarassed."

We both laughed at the memory.
He let my hand down before looking in his pockets or something. He kneed down holding up a small box.
In that moment I understood everything.
I started crying of joy.

Andy:" today, well tonight. We are here because I want to spend all my life with you so, Izzy will you marry me and make the happiest man in the world?"

He opened the box to show the beautiful ring that was in it.
I was shocked but happy. I nodded quickly my head. I was crying so much.
He smiled and took my hand sliding the ring on my finger.
Then he got up and I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
As we pulled apart we shared a sweet kiss.

Andy:" do you like the ring?"

Izzy:" like it?! I love it! It's amazing you must have spent a lot of money on it"

Andy:" it doesn't matter as long as you're happy"

Izzy:" I'm more than happy"

We kissed again.
I'm over the moon. I can't wait to marry this amazing guy.

This is an imagine for chicaenllamas2004
Hope you liked it.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowlero4

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