Rye-imagine For Amy

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Amy's pov:

I was at home alone. Rye is always at the studio or out with the boys. I miss him so much  it he seems to don't care about it.
Then I heard the door opening.
Then he got in the living room.
It was nearly midnight.

Rye:" hey what are you doing up? It's late."

Amy:" I'm waiting for you and I've been for an hour. I know it's late but you don't seem to care."

I said annoyed.

Rye :" I do care. I'm tired. I want to go to bed. I didn't wanna start a fight."

Amy:" you don't wanna start a fight. It's been two weeks since you get home late and you stay out all day. I miss. I want to spend time with you and I know it's your job but I feel like you're putting me in the corner. "

I said looking down at my feet.
He got close to me and vmcupped my cheek.
I leaned my head on his hand and rested my hand on his, enjoying his soft skin on mine.
I closed my eyes and a single tear left my eye and he quickly wiped it with his thumb.

Rye:" I'm sorry it's been a busy period and I didn't really think about you. You are the first thought every time I wake up and I'm so sorry."

I opened my eyes and met his.
He looked worried.

Rye:" please don't cry. I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you."

I stayed silent.

Rye:" can you forgive me? "

As he pronunced those words I started nodding.
I can't really be mad at him for long.

Rye:" I love you and I promise I won't do it ever again."

Amy:" I love you too. "

Then he pulled me in a warm hug.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and I buried my head in his chest.
His scent filled my scent and I immediately relaxed.

Rye:" do you wann go to bed? Shall we? "

I nodded looking up at him.
Then he slid his arms under my legs and lifted me off the ground bridal style.
I smiled ta him and he walked to our bedroom.
As we were in he left me on the bed and he changed.
I followed every move he did with my gaze.
As he felt my gaze on him he looked at me smiling.
Then he got on the bed and turned on his side to face me.
He started stroking my hair and I looked into his eyes.

Rye:" I love you so much."

Then he leaned closer to me and rested his lips on mine.
We shared a sweet delicate kiss.

Amy:" I love you too."

Rye:" tomorrow I have the day off. Do you wanna go out?"

He asked sweetly.

Amy:" yes. Where are we going?"

Rye:" wherever you want? Tomorrow I'll focus just on you."

I smiled and got closer to him.

Amy:" thank you."

I rested my head on his chest
He wrapped an hand on my waist and the other one stroked my hair gently.

Rye:" I missed all of this. I can't believe I did. "

He said guiltily.

Amy:" now don't think about it. Enjoy our time. But out of that work it better come out something good."

I said sarcastically.

Rye:" it will."

I relaxed under his touch and my eyes got heavier.
I listened to hsi heart beat and he left a kiss on my head.
And I  slowly fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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