Rye-imagine For Keleigh

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Keleigh's pov:

Rye invited me out a few days ago and finally it's friday: the day of the date.
I'm so nervous.
This is our first date.
I spent at least and hour in front of the mirror deciding what I should wear.
I eventually came up with a simple, blue dress and a pair of nude-colored heels,matcging my purse.
I curled my hair and did my make-up.
I was kind of rushing around finishing the last touches.
I put a bit of mascara and a thin layer of nude lipstick.
I was putting my shoes on when the doorbell rang.
I quickly threw on the left shoes and went to the door.
I stopped in front of it,made sure that my dress was perfectly straight and took a deep breath before pushing down the doorknob and opening the door.

Keleigh:" hi, how are you?"

I asked hugging him.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested them on my back.

Rye :" I'm good. You look stunning."

He said pulling apart and scanning my body with his gaze.

Keleigh:" thank you."

I looked down putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
Rye smiled and then we got out of the flat.
We got in his car and he drove to a nice restaurant in the middle of London.
As we were in a waitress took us to our table and we sat down.
After a hit the waitress came back to take our order.

Rye :" what have you been up to, lately?"

He asked taking a sip on his glass of wine.

Keleigh:" just uni. I've gone to gym a lot lately. Someday you should teach how to backflip."

Rye:" yes, whenever you want. I love doing gymnastics."

He smiled and i immediately felt butterflies in my stomach.
I love how he can do that.
Just his smile makes me fall more for him.

Keleigh:" what about you? How's the band going? "

I rested my chin on my hand and looked at him.

Rye:" we are working on some knew content but I'm not going to tell anything though."

Keleigh:" no, that's so mean."

I said with a joking tone.

Rye:" sorry, you have to wait. "

I laughed and in a few minutes our dishes arrived.
We started eating continuing our conversation.

Rye:" do you wanna share a dessert? "

He asked as we finished eating.

Keleigh:" I'm so full, but for dessert there's always a bit of space. "

I laughed.
He smiled and we ordered a piece of chocolate cake.
As it was on the table we both dived in it.

Rye:"this was genuinely the best cake ever."

Keleigh:" you always say that."

Rye:" what? That's not true."

He said pretending to be offended.

Keleigh:" yes, it is."

I laughed a bit.
Then we decided to head back to my place.
It was getting quite late and I was tired.
We got in the car and drove back.
He pulled up in front of my house and we got out of the car.
He walked with me to the front door.

Keleigh:" do you wanna come in?"

Rye:" no, I have to go. Next time."

He smiled and put a strand of my hair  behind my ear.

Keleigh:" ok. I had a really nice night with you."

I smiled back.

Rye:" me too."

Then he cupped my cheek and slowly leaned on me.
I stared deeply into his eyes.
He closed the gap between our lips and I felt his soft lips moving on mine.
I felt sparkles in my belly and I knew that I completely fell in love.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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