Rye-imagine for floor (smut)

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Floor's pov:

Finally rye and I have a chill night. He's always at the studio am I am always in the office.
We both do really demanding jobs. We have a lot to do but tonight, finally we can both stay at home, chill and spend time with each other.
After the obey noon be went on tour and when he got back I had to go on a business trip.
We didn't have much time.
I was sitting on the sofa when he sat next to me.

Rye:" babe I was thinking that we could have a bath in the pool"

We bought a house with a pool.
I know a bit extra but I really wanted it.

Floor:" yes, we haven't tried it, yet"

I smiled at him.

Rye:" let's go out our swimsuits on"

He said before grabbing me hand and dragging me upstairs into our room.
We both changed quickly.

Floor:" rye, can you tie this?"

I asked him as I pulled the strings of the bikini.
He got closer and turned to face the wall.
He took the strings in his hands and tied them. As he did so his fingers touched delicately my skin making me shiver at every contact.

Rye:" there you go"

He smiled. I could feel his gaze burning in my body.
I could see him and the mirror.
My eyes fell involuntary on his abs.

Floor:" thank you"

I looked at him and his eyes were fixed in my bare skin.

Floor:" like what you see?"

I asked mischeviosly.

Rye:" yes, I do. I married this body"

He smirked before wrapping his fingers on my waist and pulling me closer to him.
Our bodies were pressed against each other.
He kissed me then we went
downstairs to the pool.
Rye without heaitating dived in the chilly water.

Rye:" floor come in."

He said swimming around.

Floor:" just a moment"

I giggled then he started splashing the water.
He ended up setting me.

Floor:" rye stop! I'm coming"

I quickly jumped in and the cold water instantly hit me.

Floor:" it's cold"

Rye:" aww, come here"

He opened his arms and i swam towards him.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and he didn't hesitate before sliding an hand on my bum, squeezing it.

Floor:" Ryan!"

I playfully slapped his chest.

Rye:" what? Is there something wrong?"

He pretend to not know what I said that for.
I have him a "duh" look. He laughed quietly before pushing me towards the to edge of the pool.
He trapped me between his arms and the wall.
Without saying anything he started missing my neck. Involuntarily I titled my head back leaving him more space
to kiss.
My hands tangled in his hair.
Suddenly the cold water turned hit and all I felt we're his lips in my skin.

Rye:" sit up"

He said in between the kisses.
He helped me sitting up on the edge of the pool.
He kissed down my stomach and I laid my hands on the ground behind me to support me.
He put his cold hand in my hit skin and made me lay back.
His hands rubbed up my legs making me shiver.
My back arched and a moan left my mouth.
He played with the strong of my bikini bottom and quickly slid it off my legs.
He flicked his tongue in me.
My fingers were tangled in his hair pulling him closer to me.
My head tilted back in ecstasy.
My back arched in pleasure.
I bit my lower lip bit hard trying to not make any noise but then I screamed involuntarily his name.
Then he left my core just to kiss my lips.
He slipped his tongue in my mouth tasting fiercely every inche of my mouth.
As he pulled apart he drew my lower lip in his teeth.

Rye:" I love you"

He whispered just over my lips.
My eyes shot open just to find his deep brown ones.

Floor:" I love you too"

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed.
Follow my instagram account @ Aurora_fowler04

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