Jack-imagine For Amelia

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Amelia's pov:

I woke up, feeling an empty space next to me.
I opened my eyes, gradually getting used to the the bright light piercing through the window and saw that jack wasn't on the bed.
He's probably downstairs.
I got up from bed and went to the bathroom.
Then I went downstairs and immediately smelt a nice scent  of pancakes.
I walked to the kitchen.
As I got in I saw the table laid romantically.
There was a white table cloth and plates of pancakes with syrup.
In the middles there was a vase with red roses.
Then Jack appeared.

Jack:" good morning beautiful."

He smiled wrapping his asrams around my waist.
I wrapped mine around his neck.

Amelia:" good morning."

Jack:"happy first anniversary."

Exactly a year ago we got married in on of the main churches of London.
It's was a really nice day. Everyone had fun and I married the amn of my life.

Amelia:" happy first anniversary."

I smiled back before kissing him delicately.

"eww. Why are you kissing mommy?"

Then a cute, little voice behind us interrupted the romantic moment we were having.
We pulled daprt ans looked at our child, John, or as we call him Johnny.
His short, light brown hair was all messy and his eyes looked really tired.
Then he stepped towards jack and he lifted him off the ground easily.
John wrapped his legs around Jack's torso.

Jack:" I kissed mommy because I love her."

Jack said smiling at him.

John:" I love mommy too but I don't kiss her."

Amelia:" what? And all the kisses you gave me last night?"

John:" I kissed you on the cheek."

He laughed pointing at his cheek.

Amelia:" yes, and why can't daddy do that too? "

John:" because he kissed you on the lips. "

He said resting his small index on his thin lips.

Jack:" i can't do that, then? "

John shook his head laughing.

Jack :" but I can kiss her on the cheek too, right?"

John:" no, mommy is all mine. "

He laughed extending his arms towards me.
I took him in my arms and held him tightly.
Hefy a kiss on my cheek and then giggled again.

Jack:" i met her first so she's mine."

Jack siad raising an eyebrow.
But John shook his head again.

Amelia:" sorry Jack."

I siad laughing a bit.
He's smile turned into a fake pout.

Amelia:" come on give daddy a kiss so he won't be sad any longer."

I stepped closer to jacka John rested his hands on Jack's shoulders and kissed his cheek.

Amelia:" ok now eat breakfast then we'll drive you to uncle's."

Today we are taking him to Andy's house so that we can have some time alone.
I sat him on his chair an dhe started eating breakfast.

John:" uncle Andy? "

He asked eating a small bite of pancakes.

Jack:" yes."

The kid cheered.
After a while we finished breakfast.
I got John ready while Jack got ready too.
He's dropping him at Andy's house.
Then I said bye to John and they left.
I sat on the sofa waiting for Jack to come back. Then we'll decide what we'll do.
As I looked at the photos hanging on the wall and smiled as the memories filled my brain.
I wondered what my life would be without jack and John.
I wouldn't be complete. My life would be empty.
Jack and I went through a lot and we are stronger than anything.
I love him so much.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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