rye-imagine for Jordan (smut)

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Jordan's pov:

Rye just came over. He's already on the sofa while I was in the kitchen making some tea.

Rye:"hey baby are you done with the tea?"

He shouted from the living room.

Jordan:" not yet"

I shouted back. Then I heard steps coming closer.
Then I felt someone behind me.
I felt a his warmth radiating on me.
Rye wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head 9n my shoulder.

Rye:" baby, you're slow"

He laughed quietly.

Jordan:" not when it comes to you"

I smirked and he raised a brow.

Rye:" that's not true"

Jordan:" want some proves?"

I turned around in a quick move.
My chest was pressed on his.
He smirked playfully.

Rye:" show me the proves, then."

Jordan:" are you sure? there's no way of coming back"

He nodded and I sat on the counter behind me.
I pulled him closer by his top, letting him stand in between my legs.
I smashed my lips on his.
His hands rubbed up my thighs and wrapped around my waist.
I kissed him passionately. I tangled my hand in his hair.
Then I pulled apart and looked at him smirking.
I untied my hair to let them down and took off my shirt.
I threw it away and kissed him again.
I slowly slid my hand down his abs to the waist band of his jeans.
I unbuttoned them and pulled down the zip.
He helped me pulling them down.
Then I left his lips to start kissing his neck.
I kissed and nibbled on his collar bone leaving red marks all over his chest.
My hands slid on his bum and squeezed it slightly. He gasped. He hates it but I still do it every time.

Jordan:" you know I love your pretty bum"

I said innocently.
He didn't answer he just started kissing down my neck.
I tugged slightly at his hair and he groaned.
Then I traced an imaginary line down his chest.
I slowly slide my hand in his underwear.
I took his hardness in my hands and started pumping.
He tilted his head back and groaned loudly.
I started going faster then he rested his hands on the counter, at both sides of my body and buried his head in my chest.
He breathed heavily.
Before I could finish he stopped me and pulled off my shorts. He kissed down my chest while his hands played with the waistband of my panties.
Without any warning he pushed a finger in me and started pumping slowly.
I moaned his name over and over again.
Then he pulled out his fingers and took off my underwear.
I slidhis underwear down his legs and suddenly he entered me.
We started with a slow pace and went faster and faster until we were both done.
I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head in his neck. He did the same and tested his hands on the counter to support his weight.

Rye:"you were right..."

He said breathing heavily.
I smiled and looked at him.

Jordan:" I told you."

I smacked his butt before jumping off the counter.
He gave me a death glare and I giggled a bit.
Then I dressed up and walked to the living room.
He follow behind me and sat next to me.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

Rye:" I love you babe"

He left a kiss on my head.

Jordan:" I love you too"

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