Rye-imagine For Mia(smut)

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Mia's pov:

We just got back home from the gym.
Rye came with me.
We spent an hours and half there.
I'm so tired.
As I got in I went to our bedroom.
I started changing, all I want to do is have bath and then eat.
I heard steps getting closer then the door opened.

Rye:"wow babe, going to gym works"

I didn't even look at him but I smiled at his statement.
I could feel his gaze on my body then he stopped right behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
He left a kiss on my neck and rested his head on my shoulder.

Rye:" do you wanna have a bath?"

Mia:" yes"

I turned around and I was trapped between him and the chest of drawers.
I looked up at him and before I could say anything he lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

Mia:" what are you doing?"

Rye:" we are going to the bathroom."

He started walking.

Mia:" we? You never mentioned you wanted to come with me.... "

I raised an eyebrow.

Rye:" I thought it was obvious"

He smiled.
Soon after we were in the bathroom.
He left me on the counter while he filled the bath tube.
In a few minutes it was fine and both, him and I, took off our clothes.
He got in and I sat in between his legs.
I rested my back on his chest let my head fall back on his shoulder.
I closed my eyes and enjoied the warm water.
All the tension in my muscles slowly
I felt his hands rubbing up and down my legs while his lips nibbled on my earlobe.
He slowly spread my legs a bit more and slid his hand down my inner thigh.

Mia:" babe what are you doing?"

Rye:" shh, just relax."

He started kissing my neck and in a quick move his fingers entered my core.
He started slowly and then went faster and faster.
My back arched and a wave of pleasure got over me.
He name left my mouth loudly.

Rye:" yes, baby."

He moaned in my ear.
Then he made me move so that I was on my knees and my hands.
He traced an imaginary line down my spine and back arched again.
His hands rubbed up and down my sides, he started leaving a wet trial of kisses on my back.
Then he entered me from behind.

Rye:" God."

He groaned quietly and kept pushing in and out of me.
I could feel every bit of him.
One of his hands slid to my centre and started rubbing my clit with slow circular moves.
The pleasure he was giving me was indescribable.
He was pushing to the edge as his thumb started going faster on my most sensitive part.
As I reached my climax an "oh my God. Rye" left my mouth while he screamed just my name.
He left a kiss on my back before getting out of me.
Before I could sit back hesmacked my bum.
I sat again in between his legs.
Our breaths were going un sync and my heart was racing.

Rye:" I'm so glad we have a bathtub."

He said laughing quietly.
I rested my head back on his shoulder and listened to his heartbeat.

Mia:" yes, me too"

I laughed with him.
As I caught my breath I left a kiss on his neck.

Mia:" I love you so much"

I smiled looking up at him.
He hair is messy and his cheeks are a bit redder than before.
I took his hands in mine and lifted them to my lips. I kissed his knuckles.

Rye :" I love you too."

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