Rye-imagine for estelle

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Estelle's pov:

Today was so tiring all I want to do is sit in a cafe and relax with a coffee.
I study design at the Oxford university, in London.
It's a really good uni but sometimes it's just so much.
It's a lot to study, it's a lot of essays.
It's just too much.
I sat at the table and ordered a coffee.
I took out my notebook and started reading all my notes.
It was getting dark outside so I decided to go back to my flat.
I got up and turned around when suddenly a guy appeard in front of me.
Estelle:" oh my god. I'm do sorry"
I looked at the guy's shirt and it was covered in coffee.

" it's fine"
He answered.
I felt so embarassed.
Estelle:" I'm so sorry, I didn't see you."
"It's OK, it doesn't matter "
Estelle:" let me buy you a coffee at least"
"no, don't worry"
Estelle:" no i won't let you go without buying you a coffee"
"Fine, i don't want to be kidnapped"
He joked and I laughed slightly.
So I bought him a coffee.
"My name's Rye, by the way"
Just now I saw his beautiful deep brown eyes and that he was really cute and attractive.
Estelle:" Well Rye, nice to meet you I'm Estelle and I am clumsy and so  sorry"

Rye:"it doesn't matter you made it up to me"
He said referring to the coffee I bought him.
Estelle:" no i didn't. I will buy you a new shirt. I would feel a bad person if I didn't"
Rye:" do you want to go now?"
Estelle:" it's late I don't think shops are open right now"
Rye:" can you please give me your phone?"
Estelle:" yes, why?"
Rye:" so I can give you number and we can go shopping another day."
I handed  him my phone and he dialled his number and saved it.
The he handed me his phone and I did the same.

Estelle:" now I have to go. See you later Rye"
Rye:" bye Estelle"
I headed to my flat thinking about him.
He was so kind even though I spilled his coffee on him.
I was so embarassed.
I smiled at the thought and in a few minutes I was home.
Home sweet home.
Finally I'm in my warm house.
I wasn't hungry so I just decided to change clothes and chill.
While I was putting on my top my phone beeped.
I looked who it was and it was Rye.
A smile grew on my face.
Rye:" hey Estelle do you want to go out tomorrow ? You can make it up to me and feel a good person😂"

I read the text.

" I'm still so sorry. Yes tomorrow is fine. Let me know time and place"

I answered.
"So it's a date. Tomorrow 4 pm at the mall?"

"Its a date."

A date, I have a date. it's been year since I had one.

just got out the shower now I've got to get dressed and do my hair.

I wore a blue cropped jumper and A overalls.
In a few minutes I'm gonna go to mall to meet with Rye.
I've been thinking about him all night.
As soon as I got there is saw Rye pacing around.
Estelle:" hey Rye"
He turned around quickly.
Rye:" hey Estelle"
He hugged me and then we walked to sturbucks.
I spent the best day with him.
I bought him a new shirt and get insisted to buy me a dress
He was so cute.
I don't think this is the last time I'll see him.

Hope you liked it
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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