Jack-imagine For Amelia (smut)

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Amelia's pov:
I thought nothing could go worse, but everything changed when my parents divorced.
The only person who was there for me was my best friend Jack.
He's always been by my side.
My parents got lost after the divorce, my dad moved in America and I'm stuck here with my mum.
She's still my mum but I've always gotten along well with my dad.
His company offered him a job in Miami and he moved there. He asked me to go with him but I didn't want to leave jack.
I'm currently walking down the street, listening to music.
I got lost in my thoughts and i didn't even realize I reached Jack's house.
I called him like five minutes ago, asking him if we could spend some time together.
I need to talk to him. I just argued with my

mum and all I need right now is one of his hugs.
He always give the best hugs.
And I feel safe in his arms.
I need to look in his eyes and get lost in his green emeralds.
Lately I've been catching some feelings for him.
I knocked on the door and I waited patiently.
In a minute Jack's mum opened the door.
Mum:" hi, amelia. Jack's in his room and I'm late. See you darling."
She said walking past me.
She didn't even let me answer that she was in the car.
I walked in and closed the door behind me.
I quickly walked up the stairs and opened the door of his room.
As I opened the door I saw a shirtless jack.
He turned to look at the door and as he saw me he quickly wore a shirt.
Amelia:" sorry."

Jack:" it's fine. How are u?"
He said walking towards me. He wrapped his arms around my small figure and pulled me closer. I buried my head in his chest and smelled his amazing scent.
Amelia:" better now."
I mumbled on his chest.
He rested his chin on my head and left a kiss on my hair.
I pulled apart and looked up at him but he didn't let go of me.
His green emeralds met mine.
I got lost in them adn without realizing it his lips were on mine.
He pulled away looking at my eyes.
Jack:" Amelia, I love you."
Without thinking my lips moved.
Amelia:" I love you too."
Without hesitating he smashed his lips on mine.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged slightly at his hair.

He deepened the kiss and tasted my mouth fiercely.
He pulled me closer and gave a slight squeeze to my hip.
He swiped his tongue over my bottom lip.
He slowly walked backwards and sat on the bed.
I sat on top of him straddling his lap.
His warm hands ran on my skin.
He rubbed up and down my legs.
We pulled apart breathless and he started kissing down my neck, searching for my sweet spot.
As he found it he started nibbling, leaving a mark on my skin, and it was stronger than me. I let a moan fall out of my lips.
He slid the tips of his hands in the waistline of my black jeans tickling a little bit my hips.
Our lips met again in a tough passionate kiss.
Then his hands traveled under my shirt and he lifted it over my breast and then over my head, leaving me shirtless.

He looked at me breathless.
Our eyes met and I blushed a bit.
Jack:" are you sure you want this?"
Amelia:" yes, I'm sure."
He knew that was my first time
I kissed him again and I tugged at the edge of his shirt.
Amelia:" take it off."
I said between the kiss I pulled away just a few seconds to let him take off his t-shirt.
I started kissing down his neck as I pushed him down on the bed.
His hands roamed around my body.
Then in a quick move he moved on top of me.
He started kissing down my body.
He unbuttoned my jeans and looked up at me for permission I nodded quietly.
He pulled down my legs my jeans and threw them on the floor.
I looked at every move he did as he went down on me.
He gave me a small smile and spread my legs

slightly more.
He slid my underwear off and I gasped as he flicked his tongue in me. I let a small moan leave my mouth.
He squeezed my hips and pushed them down on the mattress making me stop writhing underneath him.
A warm feeling raised slowly in my lower stomach.
It was something new, weird and kind of good.
I bit my lip hard to stop any noize from leaving my throat but as he stopped a small whine echoed in the room.
He got off me and opened the drawer of his bedside table.
He took off his pants and sta on the bed next to me.
Jack:" are you ready?"
He asked caringly.
He got on top of me and kissed me.
Amelia:" wait."

Jack:" what?"
He looked at me worried.
Amelia:"I want to do something in return."
I said shyly.
A smirk spread on his face.
Jack:" and what do you wanna do?"
I blushed as he asked me.
Amelia:" I don't know."
He made me sit on his lap aa he sat up.
He kissed me and he took my hand on his.
He rested it on his chest and slowly guided it down his body.
A sudden wave of agitation took over me and I accidently bit on his lip.
Amelia:" sorry."
He smiled a bit and kissed me again.
He kept guiding my hand in his underwear.
I pulled apart and looked at him. He started kissing my neck.
I wrapped my fingers around his length and he moved my hand.
He took his hand out of his underwear and

wrapped it on my hip.
I started pumping faster and he let his  head fell back. 
He groaned lowly.
Jack:" like that. God. Amelia."
He said letting out shaky breaths.
As I pleasures him I looked at his face carefully.
His eyes were closed, his hair was messy, his cheeks were a deep shade of pink and his lips were redder and plumper from all our rough kisses.
Jack:" that's enough."
He said stopping my hand.
He mad me lay on the bed and took off his underwear.
He quickly wore the condom and got on top of me.
Jack:" now you're ready?"
He asked smirking playfully.
I nodded quietly.
He slowly entered me and I immediately felt

a slight pain.
As he started moving back and forth the pain turned into pure pleasure.
He started going faster and I held onto his shoulders.
I scratched his back and he groaned burying his head in my neck.
His chest pressed on mine and his hand slowly kneaded my braest making me moan shamelessly.
After a bit a warm feeling, the same from before, built up in my stomach.
And suddenly I clenched around him and a loud moan left my lips.
His thrusts became sloppier and in a minute or so he was done too.
He got off me and threw the condom in the bin.
He wore a clean pair of boxers and I took his shirt and slid it on, not worrying about wearing anything underneath it as it covered nearly my knees.

I sat on the bed crossed leg but quickly closed them as i felt the cold air hitting right there.
He sat next to me and kissed my cheek.
We laid on the bed and I rested my head on his chest.
He slowly stroked my hair and I listened to his heartbeat.
Jack:" luckily no one is at home."
He laughed quietly and I blushed.
Amelia:" shut up."
Jack:" fine, I love you."
Amelia:" love you too."

Hope you like the new imagine for
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