andy-imagine for cristina

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Cristina's pov:

I got up to answer the door. I hope it's andy he's about to get here to have a movie marathon. He's my best since I was five. I can't live without him.
As soon as I opened the door the last person that I wanted to see appeard.

Cristina:" what do you want jake?"

He's my ex. We broke up nearly two weeks ago. He cheated on me with some stupid blondie and I broke up with him.

Jake:" i want you back, I love you"

Cristina:" you didn't think that while you were ducking that girl!"

Jake:" I'm sorry how many times do I have to tell you"

Cristina:"  i dont care i dont love you anymore!"

Jake:" don't lie I know you still love me"

Cristina:"  no, I don't so please leave me alone"

Jake:" come on baby I know you still want me."

He grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him. One of his hands was on my waist while the other one was tight on my arm.

Cristina:" jake you're hurting me"

Jake:"  baby kiss me."

He leaned on and tried to kiss me but I avoided him.

Jake:"  come on don't play hard to get.."

Cristina:"  jake, please let me go"

" you better let her go"

A voice spoke from behind him.
I immediately recognised Andy's voice and thanked god, that he arrived.

Jake:" Andy,  you never get when you're out of place"

Andy:"  I think you're the one that never gets that."

Jake:"  Andy, leave us alone."

Andy:" let her go"

Jake:"  like seriously mate I'm with my girlfriend"

He let go of me and turned to look at him.

Andy:"  don't call me mate, now go."

Jake didn't answer he took a step forward towards Andy. He was about lift his punch and punch Andy but Andy preceded him and punched jake.
Jake looked back at him holding his nose.
Then he looked back at me.

Jake:" we are not done, yet"

Then he left.

Andy:"  are you okay?"

I was shocked, I couldn't realise what just happened.
I didn't even know, I couldn't hear anything.

Andy:" hey Cristina are you okay?"

He snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded and suddenly his arms were wrapped around me.
Tears started flowing out my eyes wetting Andy's shirt.
I whispered a Thank you.

Andy:" let's go inside"

I nodded and he took me inside closing the door behind us.
We sat on the sofa and I was in between his legs while he hugged me tightly.
After what seemed an eternity we pulled apart, we looked intensely into each others eyes.
There was a lot of tension in the air.
Andy started getting closer.
Our noses were inches apart.
I could feel his breath on my face involuntarily my eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips.
He did the same just before laying his lips on mine.
None of us moving. Then we pulled apart for second.
We exchanged a look that for both of us meant one thing: we wanted more.

We kissed again this time rougher and more passionately.
His arms were wrapped around my waist while mine were around his neck.
Suddenly his lips weren't on mine anymore. Now, they were on my neck leaving wet kisses.
After a bit clothes started flying around and I was just in my underwear as him.
While kissing he stopped and then stared into my eyes.

Andy:" are you sure you want to do this"

Cristina:" Andy I've known you literally all my life, I'm sure"

He nodded before kissing me,again.
His hands roamed around my body while mine were tangled in his hair tugging slightly.
He kissed down my chest stopping at my breast. He took off my bra before continuing kissing down my belly right to my center. He took off my underwear, then his own before putting on a condom.
He gave me a look of reassurance before slowly entering me.
I moaned quietly just as him.
We lasted for about thirty minutes. Thirty minutes of passion and love.
As we reached our climax we laid on the sofa spooning.
(Smut done)

I've never thought I would end up having second with my best friend. I've always thought it wad wrong but as it happened it felt so right.

Andy:" are you ok?"

Cristina:" yes, of course why?"

Andy:" you seem deep in thought. What's on your mind?"

I turned around to look at him.

Cristina:" nothing, I was just thinking how this felt so right"

Andy:" yeah, it did feel right. It was amazing. Cristina I've always felt something for you but I never really admitted it to myself but now... after this"

He took a deep sigh.

Andy:" now, I can say that I like you. A lot. Will you be my girlfriend? "

I've never thought about being Andy's girlfriend but I just realised that I've always like him.

Cristina:" Andy, I..I like you too"

He smiled and left a quick kiss on my lips.

This is an imagine requested by Cristinafovvs
Hope you liked it

Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04


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