Brook-imagine for katelan

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Katelan's pov:

Today brook said he has a surprise for me.
It's my birthday and he wanted to do something special.
He's always so sweet and romantic. He can always invents something to surprise me.
Last time he took me my favourite singer's concert.
We've been together for 5 years.
He said he'd come at mine's around ten thirty.
It's weird though, he's not really a morning person.
I'm not a mornig person either.
That's one of the main things we have in common.
After a while the doorbell rang.
I ran to the door and quickly opened it.
Brook appears with a giant teddy in his arms.
All I could see if him were his shoes and his arms but I still could imagine his beautiful smile.

Brook:" happy birthday!"

He shouted before putting the teddy onto the carpet.

Katelan:" thank you so much brook. It's so cute"

I said hugging him.
Then I let him in and I moved the teddy next to the sofa.
We say on the sofa.

Brook:" so, babe do you have something planned?"

Katelan:" not really. You know I don't like to celebrate my birthday."

Brook:" I know that's way I thought about everything. We are going out for lunch"

He smiled and I couldn't help it but smile back.
We chilled for a while at home and then we went to our favourite cafè.
Suddenly he intertwined our hands on top of the table.
I looked down at our hands and then at him.
He green emerald eyes were shining and he had a small smile on.

Brook:" baby, I love you so much"

He kissed my hand.

Katelan:" I love you too."

We looked deeply into each other's eyes. I got lost in his and he in mine.
I can't believe that after so many years I still manage to get lost in his green eyes.
Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky.
He's the best guy I could ever ask for.

Brook:" shall we go? I'm tired"

He said yawning.

Katelan:" brook, it's just three p.m. his can you be tired?"

I asked perplexed.

Brook :"I got up early this morning just for you"

Katelan:"what would I do without you?"

We both burst out laughing gaining a few looks from other people.

Brook:" let's go"

He said before taking my hand.
We paid the bill and got back home.
As we arrived brook collapsed on the sofa.

Katelan:" aww. Is my baby boy tired?"

I said sitting next to him.
I caressed his cheek and he did his puppy eyes.

Brook:" yes. Can we cuddle?

Katelan:" you know I can't say no to those eyes"

His puppy face turned not a smile. So I just laid next to him.
My back was pressed on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my small frame.
I coil feel his great on my neck. It was giving me shivers down my spine.
He is a quick kiss on my neck.
I turned to face him.
He smiled at me.
He pulled me closer and rested his head on my chest.
I played with his hair.
He slowly closed his eyes and soon after he was asleep.
He loooked so cute.
I left a kiss on his head and slowly fell asleep too.

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@ Aurora_fowler04

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