andy-imagine for leah

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Leah's pov:

Rye:" hey mate have you seen Instagram"

Rye just got in the room.

Andy:" no why?"

Rye:" it's full of photos of you and leah"

I shot up.

Leah:" what?"

We have been together just for a couple of months and we wanted to wait a bit before telling the roadies but I guess we didn't have any choice.

Andy:" where did they get it?"

Rye:" I dont know just go check it out"

I took my phone and saw the photo.
We were at the natural park and we were sat on a bench holding hands.
We were about to kiss and the faces are quite recognizable.
What's going to happen?

Andy:" done worry it's going to be OK"

He reassured me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer.
I rested my head on his shoulder and he left a kiss on my forehead.
I started reading the comments and I felt even worse.

"She's ugly" "She doesn't deserve andy" "she's a bitch" "She's fake"

A tear slid down my cheek.

Andy:" hey babe, don't read all those stupid things. You are beautiful and I don't deserve you. You are the kindest person ever.
You deserve all the love of the world."

Leah:" thank you. I love you "

Andy:" I love you too"

We spent the rest of the day together and then I went home.
As I got home I collapsed on the bed. I was so tired.
My phone didn't stop beeping so I just turned it off.
All I wanted to do was sleep but I couldn't.
Everything I read was stuck on my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
Maybe the roadies are right I don't deserve Andy. He's too much for me. He's a talented singer and I.., I'm am just an employee in a stupid office.
He deserves a lot better.
Around two in the morning I finally fell asleep.
I woke up to someone ringing the doorbell.
I slowly got up and walked to the door.
I opened it ans Andy appeard in front of me.

Andy:" leah, I was on worried why don't you answer the phone?".

I was still half asleep.

Leah:" i turned it off"

Andy:" why? Leah I'm worried about you"

Leah:" you don't have to be. I'm fine"

I looked down. I can't lie to him.
I'm not fine at all.

Andy:" no you're not. Please leah you can tell me the truth"

Leah:" i am. You just don't believe me."

I couldn't look in his eyes.

Andy:"your eyes are already telling me the truth. "

He lifted my chin with his fingers and made me look in his eyes.

Andy:" I know everything you read hurt but trust me. It's not the truth. I love you and you love me.
There's no reason why we shouldn't be together."

I tears started falling down my cheeks. Andy pulled me closer and I buried my head in his chest.
We sat on the sofa. He was still holding me close.
As I calmed down I made us some tea. While the water was boiling I turned on my phone and a lot of notification appeard in my screen.
The A twitter notification caught my eye.

"Roadtrip tagged you"

I tapped on it and a long twit appeared.

"Guys stop hating on Alivia. She's the best girl I've ever known.
She's my girlfriend and I don't care what you say I love her and no one is gonna make my mind change.
She deserves the world and I'm gonna give it to her. -andy"

I looked at Andy and ran to him. I hugged him tightly.

Leah:" thank you so much"
Eventually the hate stopped.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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