harvey-imagine for Morgan

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Morgan's pov:

I'm so excited. Today I'm going to Harvey's concert with my best friend.
And we also got vip tickets.
I can't wait to meet him.
This is my birthday present from my parents.
I don't know how I'll react but I hope I won't seem crazy.
I looked at myself in the mirror one lats time.
I wore a black A line skirt with a white tight top.
I'm not the type for heels so I just slipped on my black vans. I also wore a bit of make-up but not too much.
In a few minutes my friend should come to pick me up.
I sat on my bed and waited for her to arrive.
After a while I heard the bell and ran to the door and opened.
My best friend appeared on front of me.
She had the biggest smile on.
She squealed and then hugged me.
We hopped in the car and started driving to the venue.
Half way through the way I remembered that I live in England and here is cold and I forgot my jacket.
After an hour or so we arrived at the venue.
It seemed like we were the first ones.
We showed our tickets to the bodyguard and got in.
Harvey was on stage.
He was doing sound check I guess.
As soon as he saw us he smiled and waved at us.
Thai is not the first time i see him.
I've been to a couple of more concerts of his.
They were always amazing.
After he finished sound check he got off stage and walked towards us.
My best friend tried to calm me.
But I'm always nervous.

Harvey:" hey girls"

I turned around to look at him.
He was smiling widely.
I smiled at him and then we hugged.
He gives the best hugs.
We stayed still for a bit.

Harvey:"Morgan right?"
Oh God he remembers my name.
I nodded not trusting my voice.
We started talking and lost track of time.

Harvey:" in half a hour the shoe starts it's better if you start going in audience."

Morgan:" yes, see you later"

He hugged me and then we went to audience.
the concert was amazing as always.
After the show we lined in the queue.
We were in the back so that we could have some more time with Harvey.
He's always so kind and cheerful.
After another hour it was our turn finally.
As he saw us he smiled.

Harvey:" hi nice to see you again"

He joked.

Morgan:" nice to see you too"

We laughed.
We started talking and again we lost track of time.
Suddenly baler appeared.

Blair:" Harvey in thirty minutes we are leaving"

Harvey:" ok. I'll be ready"

Then he look back at me.

Harvey:" guess I have to go"

Morgan:" yes it looks like it"

Harvey:" Well it was nice spending time with you. I happen to see you again soon."

Morgan:" I hope so too. It was nice one see you"

I turned around to start heading to the exit. My best friend was already at the door when Harvey called me.

Harvey:" Morgan, I want you to have this"

He said while handing me a jumper.
He took me by surprise.
I didn't know what to say.

Morgan:" thank you"

I took it and slipped it on.
We hugged one last time and I joined my best friend outside.
The chilly air was blowing luckily I have Harvey's jumper.
I put my hand in the pocket and there was something in it.
I took it out. It was piece of paper with a number on it.
I can't believe it. Harvey gave me his phone number.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ Aurora_Fowler04

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