Jack- Imagine For Elle (smut)

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Elle's pov:

Jack is coming to pick me up in a few minutes. We are going to a party.
He's my best friend, and it's been like that since we were six.
That's why I do this want to tell him about my feelings.
It's a few months that I feel something for him and I can't help it but I don't want to ruin our friendship.
The doorbell rang and I opened the door.
Jack appeared he was wearing a white shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.
He looked at me head to toe before speaking.

Jack:" you look beautiful."

I blushed slightly and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

Elle:" thank you."

I wore a white dress and a pair of ankle boots.

Jack:"shall we go?"

I nodded and locked the door behind me.
Then we got in the car drove the our friend's house.
As we were there we got in.
The music was loud and there was a disgusting smell of alcohol.
Jack took my hand in his and I felt butterflies in my stomach.
We walked through the crowd of people and reached the sofas where our friends were.
We greeted everyone and sat on the sofa.

Rye:" do you wanna play truth or dare? We just started"

He smiled at me.

Elle:"why not.."

We all started playing. Finally it was my turn. I chose dare.

Andy:" Elle, I dare you to make out with rye."

Before I could say anything Jack did it for me.

Jack:" no she doesn't want to."

He shouted everyone looked at him confused. I was confused too.
He crossed his arms over his chest.

Rye:" oh come on its just a kiss"

I didn't know what to say. Jack gave rye a death glare and walked out of the house.
I followed him.
He stopped right next to the door. He ran nervously a hand through his hair and I couldn't help it but think about how handsome he is.
I slowly walked towards him.

Elle:" hey, Jack."

He looked at me with an annoyed expression but he didn't speak.

Elle:" are you Ok? Why are you so pissed off about the dare?"

He looked away from me.

Elle:" just answer. I promise I won't get mad."

Jack:"because I don't like the thought of you kissing a boy"

He answered still not looking at me.

Elle:" what do you mean? You want me to kiss girls?"

I laughed quietly and even though I couldn't see him face properly I know he at least smiled.

Jack:" I mean that... Ahhh.. I don't like the thought of you with other boys"

Elle:"I still don't get what you mean."

As I said that in a quick move Jack pushed me against the wall and rested his hands at both sides of my head on the wall.

Jack:" I mean that I want you to kiss just me. I like you Elle and I know I just ruined our friendship but-"

I didn't let him finish and smashed my lips on his.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and I around his neck.

Jack:" do you wanna go home?"

We both knew we didn't need any word. A hot passion got over us both.
I nodded my head and he led me to the car. We got in and drove back home.
As soon as we were there I opened the door and immiadiately jack pushed me against the wall.
He started kissing down my neck leaving small marks.
A moan left my mouth.
He slowly moved his hand up my thighs and lifted slightly my dress.
His cold hands ran up my leg to my pulsing core, moving slightly my panties he let a finger enter my wet center, pumping with his fingers. I was biting my lips trying to not let out any noise.
Then he added a second finger and i couldn't take it anymore. I moaned loudly his name.
He was on top of me, pleasuring my most sensitive spot.
After a bit his fingers left my center.
I immediately felt empty.
Then he cupped the back of my legs andifted me off the floor. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he started walking to my bedroom.
without realising it I was on the mattress.
His body was towering over mine.
Without breaking the kiss my hands tangled in his hair and his wrapped on my waist.
In a few seconds my dress was on the floor with his clothes.
As we were ready he slowly entered me.
We started slowly and went faster and faster until a warm feeling raised into my lower belly.
I bit my lip hard and went even faster till I couldn't take it anymore.
His name left my lips loudly.
He collapsed on the bed next to me.
No words were needed we both knew it was perfect and that we wouldn't change a single thing.

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