Mikey-imagine For Maisy (smut)

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Maisy's pov:

I just got back home from shopping with my friends.
I hope Mikey is at home, I missed him.
I opened the door and left the bag at the entrance.
Then I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.
As I got in the room I noticed Mikey on sitting at the counter.

Maisy:" hey."

He turned his head and looked at me.

Mikey:" hi, I didn't hear you arriving."

Maisy:" I noticed."

I laughed quietly.
Then he grabbed my hand and pulled my closer.
I stepped towards him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Mikey:"did you have fun?"

Maisy :"yes, I did. What about you?"

I asked running my hand through his black curls.

Mikey:" nothing interesting."

Maisy:" I missed you."

I admitted.

Mikey:"I missed you too."

He said before getting up.

Mikey:"I love you"

He kisses my forehead.

Maisy:" I love you too."

I smiled it before I could move he slang me over his shoulder.

Maisy:" what are you doing?"

Mikey:"shh don't worry."

He started walking upstairs.

Maisy:" put me down Mikey."

In a minute we entered our bedroom and he let me stand on my feet.
He didn't let me say a word that his lips were on mine.
He kissed me passionately.
Then he pulled apart and started kissing down my neck.
I tilted my head back to leave him more space to kiss.
My hands tangled in his hair and tugged slightly.
He pushed me against the wall and his name left my mouth in a small whisper.
He started sucking on my sweet spot leaving a purple mark on it.
Then I pushed him on the bed and took off his shirt. I started kissing down his chest.
His hands were rubbing up and down my leg finding their way underneath my skirt. He quickly took it off throwing it somewhere in the room.
He suddenly flipped us over so that he was on top and in a few seconds my jumper was on the floor.
He sat on his knees in between my legs staring shamelessly at my bare chest.
He unbuttoned his trousers and took them off before positioning himself between my legs.
He kissed down my chest while his hands massaged every inche of my skin.
I took control and flipped us over.
I got off the bed to take a condom from the bedside table and got on the bed again.
Then I pulled down his underwear, freeing his length.
I took off my underwear and got on him.
I tire open the small packet and rolled the condom on his hardness.
Then I lowered myself on him.
I rested my hands on his chest.
I moved back and forth on him.
Then he garpbebd the back of my knee and pulled it upper on the bed,making me feel very inche of him.
His hands wrapped tightly around my hips and guided me on him.
His hips started thrusting towards mine.
A warm feeling started building up in my stomach.
I ran my fingers through his hair as I buried my head in his neck.
Suddenly a loud moan left my lips and I reached my orgasm.
My name left his lips loudly and he was done too.
I laid next to him on the bed and rested my head on his chest.
I caught my breath and listened to his heartbeat getting lost in my thoughts.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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