Rye-imagine For Emily

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Emily's pov:

Emily:" I have to go. It's starting to rain and I don't have an umbrella."

I said to Colton, my best friend.

Colton:" I don't have one, either. Sorry. See you tomorrow."

He said hugging me.

Emily:" see you."

I quickly started walking down the streets to get home.
The sky darkened by black clouds and the sun that before was shining brightly, now has desappeared.
Soon after it started raining heavily.
I sped up my pace to reach my house quicker.
Suddenly I felt my foot slip and my whole body fell back.
I was preparing for the impact with the ground but it never happened.
I felt two strong arms around my body.
I opened my eyes and immediately met two brown deep eyes and a wide smile.
I did a shy smile and stared at him.

"are you ok?"

Emily:" yes. I'm.. I'm good. Thank you."

My cheeks turned a deep shade of red.
Then I looked at our position and quickly stood on my feet.

"are you sure?"

Emily:" yes."

I smiled playing with the bracelets on my wrist.
He was taller than me.
His brown hair were dripping water.
Just now I saw how good-looking he was.
Both of us were soaking wet.

"I'm Ryan by the way."

He said holding his hand out.
I took it in mine and tightened the grip.

Emily:" I'm Emily. Nice to meet you."

I smiled.

Rye:" I should really go."

Emily:" wait, let me at least get you a coffee to thank you."

He didn't hesitate before answering.

Rye:" just if I can get tea instead of coffee."

He smiled playfully.

Emily:" if you really have to... "

I played ta his game.

Rye:" then it's a yes. Though we should hurry it's pouring. "

We both laughed realizing that we were under the rain talking calmly.
Then we hurried into a near Café.
We sat at a table and ordered a tea, for him, and a caramel coffee, for me.

Rye:" so, where were you rushing to?"

He asked resting his chin on his palm before taking a sip of his tea.
I studied carefully his features.

Emily:" actually I was rushing home to avoid getting wet but I guess it didn't work."

I said reffering to my wet clothes and hair.
I giggled and he smiled.

Emily:" and you? why are you out with this awful weather?"

Rye:" I was going to the store but you appeared in my arms. "

As he spoke my cheeks heated and I immediately felt embarrassed.

Emily:" sorry."

Rye:" no, it's fine. I rather be here, talking to you than being in a store looking through the shelves. "

I couldn't hold back a smile.
I stirred my coffee and thought about the next question I could ask him but he preceded me and spoke.

Rye:" what do you do, in life? "

Emily :" I'm studying English literature at university. You? "

Rye:" cool, I'm a singer. I'm in a boyband."

As he said that I felt a bit of a nerd.

Emily:" that's so cool."

We kept on talking for a long while until we both noticed that it was getting dark outside.
He had to go back home and I had too.
So we exchanged numbers and we promised that we will meet again.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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