An Unforgettable Forgiveness (Part 1)

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In the hermitcraft server, things we were not going well for the mustache man and the new hermit. After the war, everything was calm and normal. That is until Mumbo got a note, requested to go to Grian's base. As he arrives, he realized that Grian wasn't anywhere to be found. "Grian?...." no reply. Mumbo checked the note again. "Grian wants me to meet him at the infinity room."

He thought uncomfortably. Seeing as the infinity room will be a bother to the mustache hermit. He was still willing to go back in, just for Grian. As he jumps down the hole and into the infinity room. He unexpectedly landed on lava instead of the floor. "WHAT IN THE WORLD?!!" He yelled as he tries his best to escape the room but he failed.
(Mumbo Jumbo drowned in lava)

As he spawns in his base, he felt betrayed. He knew Grian loved pranking him and other hermits, but this has come to far! He losed all his gear and weapons, and even the fork of friendship. And Grian knew it was important to Mumbo. That was it, this was the... last...straw...

Grian flew to his Mumbo's base and landed on the ground. "Hey Mumbo, you weren't at my base waiting for me so I came here checking if you got my message" he says cheerfully. Mumbo was in no mood at all. "Oh I got your message clearly..." he says sternly. Grian was already concerned about his behavior, so he walked up to him and touched his shoulder. "Dude, you o-" his hand was slapped away by Mumbo, who really was looking like he needed a break. "GRIAN HOW DARE YOU PRANK ME LIKE THAT?!! He says in anger. Grian, who was still confused spoke up. "What do you mean?" "YOU TRICKED ME INTO DYING IN THAT LAVA, THANKS TO YOU I LOST MY STUFF!! He says with so much frustration.

"That lava at the infinity room?" He then realizes something and starts to blush embarrassingly. " Opps, I forgot to remind you that there was lava in that infinity room after Iskall pranked me. After all that war and madness, I must have forgotten all about the lava." He says as he nervously laughs. "GRIAN MY STUFF OUR GONE BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID LAVA, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LONG IT TAKES TO ENCHANT THEM ALL!!" Mumbo yells. "For your information I've already experienced that, and it was horrible." Grian defended, already get tired of Mumbo's grumpiness. "BECAUSE YOUR CARELESS AND FORGETFUL, YOU JUST MESS UP EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE!! ITS NO WONDER DOC WANTED REVENGE FOR HIS BUSH!!

"Mumbo, I'm really so-" he got interrupted by Mumbo's constant complains. "JUST SHUT UP GRIAN!! YOU'VE ALREADY GAVE ME ENOUGH HEADACHE FOR A LIFE TIME, AND TRUST ME ITS ANNOYING!! YOUR JUST AS ANNOYING AS THE LAG!! He says as he pushes Grian away from him, and not too gently. But Mumbo suddenly heard him wince in pain. He saw Grian holding his arm, witha very uncomfortable face. "I guess your right Mumbo..." he says with a slight laugh, trying not to sob. "I'm really as annoying as lag... well that's just part of being stupid me..." Mumbo realized right away, that Grian was about to be in tears, but he tried his best to hold it. Mumbo, feeling guilty about what he had done to him, immediately went up to him but was stopped by Grian putting on his elytra. "Grian, you can't fly with a broken arm" he says as Grian gets his rockets. "It's not like you would care anyway..." he says sadly as he flies of into the distance. Mumbo sighed in despair as he punches the wall. " God I'm a big stupid spoon." He complained as he realized how much he hurt Grian's feelings. "Why?" He asked to himself.

Three days later, the whole server were wandering what happened to Grian. They haven't seen him flying around, egging peopl- I mean pranking people. Nor have they seen him upgrading his base. They mostly see him in his base, just doing his stuff. But not in the sort of good way. Iskall suspected that Mumbo knows what's going on, seeing as he too was also acting a bit suspicious. "Mumbo?" Iskall says as he lands near his storage, seeing him organizing. "Mumbo, I know you have something to do with Grian's strange behavior. After all, it's unlike you not to comfort him." He says as he stares at his mustache friend. Mumbo sighed and explained Iskall everything that happened between them three days ago. Iskall sighed as he gives him an opinion. "What about go talk to him, tell him how sorry you really are?" Iskall says. "It's not that easy Iskall... I'm too scared to talk to him, he probably hates me..." he says looking at his base.

"Then instead of saying it, try showing it? Show him how much you care." He insisted as he eats his cooked chicken. Suddenly Mumbo's eyes widened his eyes, and an idea popped out of his mind. He immediately hugs Iskall with appreciation, surprising his Swedish friend. "Thank you Iskall" he thanks as he grabs some resources from the chest and flies away, leaving Iskall alone in his base. "Welp, I'm alone" T^T


Hope it wasn't trashy or anything. ;)

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