I was testing

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Don't mind me, this is nothing.

(Don't mind the story because this doesn't relate anything to hermitcraft. Just go to the end)

Dazai: *checks the body* few shots on the chest, and wound on the head... hehe port mafia members are getting careless when they attack their enemies. Odasaku, you can dispose their bodies. *whispers* and secretly get their valuables.
Odasaku: as always. *carries the body to the chamber*
Y/n: *writes their biology quietly*
Dazai: *puts something on her charts* give these information to Chuuya, he can take care of the rest. And try doing something with your time before we go to the bar.;)
Y/n: *stunned* nods* leaves*
Odasaku: now *sits on the crates* kindly explain what your planning?
Dazai:..;) you see... I realized that these two are having problems with them just being friends so I... *plays with his gun* let them out of their comfort zone and start to understand their problems.
Odasaku: *stunned* their in love?!
Dazai: true and strong as Chuuya's hatred towards me!
Odasaku: *realizes* sigh* which is why you started playing t or d and gave Y/n that ridiculous dare...
Dazai: I'll never let my revenge for you be weak. But anyway, I knew Ango would leave immediately, and knew Y/n would follow.
Odasaku: and you let them fight it over?
Dazai: of course *shrugs* it's annoying how those two will never talk about their problems!
Odasaku: heh, true.
Dazai: anyway, their already not talking to each other for a while. And Ango already barricaded himself from his office, probably weeping to himself. What a baby. -.-
Odasaku: *surprised* b-but I thoug-.... never mind. You just lied to her.
Odasaku: *sigh* so... where did she go anyway?
Dazai: probably searching for him, gives Ango enough time to go to his apartment without hiding from her.
Hirotsu: and how is it suppose to work?
Odasaku and Dazai: .-. ......
Dazai: ignore the questions. I may have pickpocket Ango this morning. ;) *holds his keys*
Odasaku: *realizes immediately* You evil, evil devil...
Hirotsu: *sigh* seriously Dazai, that's what your planning?
Dazai: *quite impressed* you both catch on pretty quickly. I may have gave her his keys to his apartment.
Kouyou: hmm... so she's waiting for him at the apartment, but just to be sure she checked the city finding Ango.
Odasaku and Hirotsu: .-. .....
Dazai: again, no further questions. I'm quite proud you three are understanding my plan easily! =D
Kouyou: *sigh* you make too much trouble. ;)
Odasaku: so... how's he getting to his apartm-
Dazai: fufufu, may have lost them... but I did forget to unlock your door this morning. ;p
Ango: *puches him* YOU IDIOT!! *leaves* geez.
The three: -.-
Dazai: *pouts* that hurts.
Odasaku: soo... now what?
Dazai:... they'll have to make their own story now.
Odasaku: *thinks*
... Hotel Apartments...
Ango: *annoyed* I may respect high ranked executives but Dazai is an exception. *opens the door* stunned*
Y/n: *sits on his bed* holds a notebook* is this true Ango? Do you really have feelings for me?
Ango:.. *fix his glasses* the answer is obvious...
Y/n: *cries even more* I'm the worse... *runs away*
Ango: wait, Y/n?!
... outside...
Ango: *runs* COME BACK?!!
... the far side of the park...
Y/n: *runs across the road*
Truck: *coming towards here*
Ango: Y/N?!! *covers her*
???: *pushes them*
Truck: *passes by*
Ango and Y/n: *surprised* Odasaku?!
Odasaku: *holds his arm* at least were not squished... now if you excuse me I'll just pass out for now... *immediately sleeps*
Ango and Y/n: .-.

Ok, I'll give you a full explanation to why I'm doing this.

So basically for the past few months, this book couldn't let me publish any stories for some odd reason. The revision thing was glitching a bit so I had no choice but to make a temporary book till I fix this book. Seeing as it actually posted something, then it means its working. Yay! ^·^

So yeah, that's all for now.


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