White Christmas 6: No one to fault

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Okay, I had to use one of my story ideas, lol.

Also judging by the title, it sounds like angst. But it's not! °^°
I just suck with titles. XD

~~~Cub's POV~~~

It's been a while since I've heard from Joe. Mostly I would pull his leg off in the chat, not in a literal way, I'm no cannibal. But really, I'd usually taunt him. That's why when I saw Joe being sneaky weaky while trying to hide inside his bunker the statue of hermity, I couldn't help but go say hi to him. ;)

I landed on top of the statue, silently creeping up behind him. Once I secretly entered his temporary bunker, the first thing Joe does was put his makeshift bed and plomped down on the matress, with no blanket or anything. Oof, it's cold in December, he is gonna freeze!

Though he wasn't sleeping but instead was staring at the wall, slightly shivering from the cold atmosphere of this statue. I let out a quiet sigh, walking towards the hermit. "Joe-" I placed my hand on his shoulder, only to be greeted by a small yelp by the paranoid hermit.

Once he knew it was me, he gave an exasperated sigh, retreating his bed and shulker boxes. "Aww come on Joe, not even a hi from your dead buddy?" I smirked. The hermit in glasses gave a smile as he walks towards the exit. But before he could even reach the exit, he let out a sudden coughing fit.

The sound felt harsh and scrunching, my body was filled of disgust but concerned, hearing it. After that fit, his body suddenly stumble towards the ground. Fortunately I rushed towards Joe as I slowly supported his body near my arms.

I unexpectedly felt warm once I held Joe's arms, straight up I knew what was going on. "Joe, are you sick?" I asked. Joe just stood there, quiet and hesitant. He was about to open his mouth to say something before closing it again.

"Can't you talk?" I asked again. He sighed shaking his head.

I slowly let him sit near the prismarine block, placing my hand on his.... Scorching forehead wth?!! "So you are sick?!" I exclaimed. His only response was retrieving his handkerchief and let out a small sneeze onto the piece of cloth.

"Bless you" I replied, placing my monocrhomed arm on his shoulder again, this time not startling the poor hermit. "Come on, let me bring you to dead headquarters to rest." I received a glare from him.

"Don't worry, will just use those small villager huts in the Halloween district. Your Hermitage is too far away for you to travel. Plus it's an easier way for me to keep an eye on you." I explained.

Joe thought about it for a while, and soon enough gave a nod. Before we left I took off my white lab coat and wrapped it around the sick hermit. "Come on?" I grabbed his arm as we both walked outside the snowy atmosphere.

~~~Halloween District~~~

It took a while than I thought. I had to scaffold every place where Joe can't reach without his elytra, good thing the scaffolding blocks were easy to remove.

Alas I guided him till the end, avoiding all the traps that I myself placed all over the server. We both walked through the snowy village, finally arriving at the small, vacant house. I had to shoo the villagers to another house just add some room for a bed.

Joe's body immediately flopped on the bed, letting out another two or three coughs. I carefully wrapped the blanket around his shivering body, and placed a little stool for me to sit.

At first it felt a bit awkward, considering that we both were rarely ever this close since demise. It really was difficult to start up a small conversation, so I just asked what every person would ask a sick person, how they got sick. "So Joe... How many livestreams did you stream?" I asked.

Joe counted his fingers all over again till he sheepishly smiled at me. "Of course..." I sighed, it really was no surprise that this man streams like I don't know.... Countless! "And how did you end up at this poor sorry state?" I asked again.

Joe started thinking again, before he hastily pointed his finger at the left then right then left again and soon enough random locations till he let out another cough again.

I pointed at all the random directions he showed me but I ended up making myself confused. "Huh?"

Joe face palmed before demonstrating it again. He put his hand on one side to another side and another and another till he placed his hand went back to it's original position. "Traveling?" I answered, receiving a positive nod from the hermit.

I thought about it again....till my whole mind was suddenly triggered my realization. Joe would usually travel to different bunkers just to avoid his demise....he was most especially trying to hide from me.... Trying his very hardest to avoid me. "D-Did I really spooked you th-hat much?" I stuttered, nervously smiling as I bowed my head down.

I felt a rush of guilt in my self, why was I so into spooking him this much? Not only did I lose his trust for me, I was so into the game that I've probably pushed my limits with threatening him...... I tried keeping my expression calm and stern but it was hard.

Joe let out a small gasp. His expression was panicked, and he aimlessly shook his hands everywhere. "What the heck Joe, are you oka-" I couldn't finish my sentence before he suddenly grabbed me into an unexpected hug.

My mind was full of confusion, why is Joe hugging me? His head slowly leaned near the side of my head.

"I-Its not your fault" he whispered before receiving another coughing fit.

My eyes widened and my heart stopped. I couldn't help but hug back the sick hermit, trying to compose myself from tearing up, fortunately I didn't but it hurts to even hold it in. "T-Thank you...Joe..." My voice cracked a bit, but I was able to surpassed a smile.

Suddenly I heard tiny snores near my shoulder and I hand that stopped embracing my body and was already dangling behind my back. I chuckled, slowly pushing his warm body onto the bed. Finally he was asleep, face still flush red but his expression was calm.

I sat there with a calm but happy expression, pulling out my communicator to check out the chat.

*Cubfan135: Who has ice?*

*Mumbo Jumbo: 100% not me!*

*Iskall85: who asked you?*

*Mumbo Jumbo: Cub*

*Mumbo Jumbo: no one cares about ice!*

*Iskall85: LIES!!!!!!!*

*Stressmonster101:yes I always have ice :)*

*Cubfan135: Bring it to the Halloween district for me, thank you*

*Cubfan135: :)*


*Mumbo Jumbo: LIES!!!*

*Iskall85: IT'S TRUE!!!*

~~~The End~~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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