New Ship Rip (pt. 1)

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(Now this.... is gonna be a different change for me. One, because I'm making a ship story. And two, the main characters for today are Zloy and Pix. This was requested by ausforyou, thank you for the idea.)
(Also I'm sorry if one of your favourite ships like Mumbo x Iskall or Doc x Grian or something is not here. I had to choose the more common ships here because I'm new to making ship stories. So just bare with me)

Zloy walked around the hermitcraft server, looking at all the builds and projects that the hermits did as time passes.

Since Pix was having a night out with his friends, Zloy just got bored and decided to just go to the unfinished Sahara for mysterious reasons.


As he walked pass the lobby, he immediately saw the three Architects having a little break in their temporary office.

He could see Iskall throwing which he presumes is diorite to the lava, Mumbo stared at the scene with a blank face, while Grian was amused with Iskall's burning passion.

Zloy them immediately goes inside without them realizing. "Hey guys" "AHH!" Grian got startled as he jumps off his chair and accidentally jumps on Mumbo.

Iskall laughed as Grian shrugged at him. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you" apologized Zloy. Grian accepted it as Mumbo was still holding him bridal style.

Zloy then smirked at the two. "Funny how you two look so cute together in that position, it's like the spoon and the fork" Zloy teases them as they both embarrassingly blushes at their current situation, Mumbo then immediately puts Grian down.

Iskall still kept on laughing at those two before Zloy replied; "Iskall, looking for any hotdogs today?" Iskall paused for a sec.... then got out his sword. "Shut up...." Grian and Mumbo looked confuse to what's going on here, what do you mean hotdogs?

Zloy then waves at them and leaves the office "Bye Iskall, Mumbo, the boi" says Zloy as Grian glared at him.


Zloy saw X and Python near the pickle shop, X was sitting on the ground holding his arm as Python wrapped some bandages on his arm, making Zloy kinda concerned.

"What happened to you?" Asked Zloy as he approaches them, looking at Xisuma's annoyed face. "I was literally in a bit of a pickle and injured my arm while I tried to escape." Mumbled X as Python sweat drops during this situation.

Suddenly an idea popped out on his head. "Do you know what you need X? TLC from a doc." It took five seconds before X realized what he meant and was about to use his other arm to punch him.

Python stopped him, but he was still laughing at Zloy's joke. X blushed from embarrassment and immediately left the shop. Leaving the two alone.


For the rest of the day, Zloy was teasing all the hermits non stop. He went and teased Cub and Scar, told the ZIT team to dance the tango during their date, and probably other ships he didn't even know....

~~~To be continued~~~

(Unfortunately I'll be too busy with my Murder Mystery AU book so I won't be making that much stories for now. Until then, pls be patient with me. I'll try and finish this a few days later.)

See you all beneath
The moonlight
Ladies and gents ;)

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