A cat is a man's best friend

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First off, I need more redemption.

Second, this story was based on a fan fiction I read. I'll explain later. ;)


It was surprisingly a quiet afternoon, there wasn't that much hippie and area 51 related shenanigans to be reckoned. The only sound you can hear around the area was Iskall's game, lol.

But today, Scar wasn't feeling like his cheery self. He felt a bit tired and weak after all that building in area 51. It's like his whole body was drained from the countless flying back and forth from the the shopping district to here.

Scar and Jellie both walked through False's little town not even in the mood to admire all the houses Falsey made. He just wanted to go to sleep inside the motel. He felt too tired to walk all the way there anyway.

After messaging False that he'll be sleeping here for the night, his body immediately dragged itself onto the bed, feeling his whole body heating up. He probably gotten himself ill or something.

He cuddled the pillow that laid beside him as the whole world started to feel blurry and rotating. As how exhausted he was he couldn't help but smile as Jellie slowly pushes a bucket of water to him, with so much hesitation.

"No need Jellie, I don't need....water" He whispered as his eyes slowly closes itself, bringing him to sleepy land. Jellie quietly jumped up on the bed and curdled herself near the sick hermit.... Leaving the two in peace....


An hour has passed, Jellie suddenly woke up to the warm temperature near her fur. Scar was still asleep but cuddling the little grey cat. His temperature was higher than before and Jellie winced a bit from his body.

She slowly nudged the door open and left Scar alone in the small bedroom. She needed to find help, at least one of the hermits, heck even the hippies for once could be helpful!


Impulse just sat near the camp fire with his bucket of milk as he wonders what he should do now, Grian or Ren never gave him any requests or such so he tried thinking to himself how he could be a little more helpful with the hippies aside from redstone.

Before he could even drink his bucket, he unexpectedly felt something soft nudging near his feet. A light grey and white cat stood near his leg. It was almost like he wanted me to get out of my place.

"Hey Jellie what are you doing here? And where's Scar" he asked as he looks around for any signs of Mr. Angry Eyes. But Jellie still hesitantly tried pushing him to the left direction but Impulse seemed a bit confused from this.

"What's wrong?" He asked but the cat still tried pushing him. "You want me to follow you?" He asked again and this time, Jellie finally gave up with pushing and ran 7 steps in front of him. The man finally followed the cat from the Vans to Renbon's garden.


Impulse quietly follows Jellie as she leads him to False's little town. Jellie meowed louder when she scratched through a motel room. This made Impulse curious. As he opens the door he suddenly was shook to see Scar in a sorry state.

"Scar?!" He yelped, but he tried staying a bit quiet anyway. He stumbles across his inventory and immediately got his phone.


"ImpulseV: Hey guys, important news!"

"ImpulseV: To all hippies and Doc!"

"ImpulseV: and maybe Keralis if possible?"

"Keralis1: ;)"

"Keralis1: what's got you ticking?"

"ImpulseV: I may have found Scar, but he isn't looking too well."

"Cubfan135: I'LL BE THERE IN 5 SECONDS!!"

"ImpulseV: what do you mean?"

"Cubfan135 has experienced kinetic energy"

"ImpulseV: nvm"

"Grian: oof, I thought that was my job?"

"Renthedog: Lol"

"Grian: me and Ren are on our way."

"Docm77: Is his illness have something to do with alien activity?"

"ImpulseV: DOC!!!! ≥:("

"Docm77: kidding! I'll be there soon. ;)

"Cubfan135: I'M STILL COMING!!!"

"Keralis1: :3"


~~~10 minutes later~~~

Scar felt something cold and damp on his forehead, not to forget the warmth of something covering his body. He opened his eyes to see Jellie sleeping beside his arm. "Well, your awake."

He rotated his head to see more than three hermits quietly sitting near the exit. "Geez Scar, at least message us if you ever need help going back to the hanger?" Doc sighed but gave him a soft smile anyway.

"How did you know?" He quietly asked. Impulse just happily raised his hand and pointed his finger at Jellie. "Jellie was so concerned about your health that she tried finding for help" he continued.

"I followed Jellie to your motel room and messaged all the online hermits to come and help" he petted the small grey cat. Scar was kinda lost for words but just continuesly patted the sleeping cat. "Geez Jellie, no need to worry much." He said.

"Although the cat didn't help much, she just straight up went to sleep after we arrived to take care of you." Doc exasperatedly sighed. Two pairs of hermits glared at the creeper hybrid in a suit both hands lurking near they're sword.

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT A CAT!!" Grian and Scar yelled in perfect sync and both swords pointing at the creeper in black. Doc slowly backed near the door before Cub unexpectedly pushes both Grian and Doc out the door.

"Go kill Doc outside, Scar needs peace and quiet and rest!" Cub complained, and the three immediately exited the room. Leaving Scar, Impulse and Ren in the room, quiet."Me and Impulse will be going now." Ren gave a considerate smile.

"Cub will be taking care of you, Renbob got you some hot diggity dog beetroot soup, and Jellie is here to keep you company. Your in great hands." He finished, as both the hippies exited the room...

Scar could still here the sounds of running and screaming outside, but it seemed that he gotten use to it anyway. He felt appreciated that his cat was worried about him, it made him tear up a bit.

He quietly placed part of his blanket on top of Jellie and carefully cuddle her near his side. Soon enough, he to drifted off to dream land and all you could hear was the quiet snores of a man and cat.....

~~~Bonus Chapter~~~

Grian just sat on top of the mushrooms in deep thought, concerning the other two hippies. "G, is everything ok?" Ren asked, concerning him.

"I was just thinking... If Jellie has prove her concern for Scar, then does Maui and Pearl also get concerned about me?" He asked. But Ren and Impulse just awkwardly stood there near the concentrating hermit.

"Do they really get concerned with me or not?" He sulked, a dark aura surrounded Grian. The two hermits sweat drops...

"You need help....."

~~~The End ~~~

This story was based on a fantastic beast and where to find them fanfiction. It also kinda had the same situation as this.

I think there were three of those fanfics but the only name a could remember was called "TLC"

But yeah, the idea of Jellie worried about Scar just warmed my heart and I couldn't help but make this idea come true.

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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