Who's most likely Authors

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Ladies and gents! Let's play who's most likely to, but a different version! ;D

This time it's Hermittpad Authors!

Because out of curiosity, I just wanna know what you readers think about us, how you see us. So let's play! ^°^

Rules are simple, I give you a question and you have to guess who's most likely to do that action or scenerio. Please put an explanation next to your answer?

1. Who's most likely the Grian of Hermittpad? (Aside from the Grian mystery account)

2. Who's most likely the mixture of overrated and underrated?

3. Who's most likely to go on a killing spree? (No seriousness)

4. Who's most likely to go to Minecon and freaking cosplay as a hermit? XD

5. Who's most likely a shippable character? XD

6. Who's most likely to survive underwater?

7. Who's most likely to destroy everyone's entire soul after making a very sad story?

8. Who's most likely to be the last survivor in a zombie apocalypse?

9. Who's most likely to sing the song "Freaks" and bring everyone in Hermittpad together to create a happy family of freaks? (Very made up question indeed, oof )

10. Who's most likely the youngest here? (Just out of curiosity because I feel young)

11. Who's most likely to be a stand-up comedian?

12. Who's most likely to break into song and sing Hamilton? (DO NOT PICK YOURSELF Ō^Ō)

13. Who's most likely to remain calm during a storm?

14. Who's most likely to panic during a storm?

15. Who's most likely our pure cinnamon roll here? Like seriously. I mean, all of you are nice and all but who is the child here we want to protect and would be willing to destroy anyone who touches da CHILD!! °^°

Ok lol, I'll be back the next 5 minutes and I will be seeing notifications popping up.


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