White Christmas 7: My Everything

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This was requested by JustNotBothered

Also TheCrazyComet

This is kinda a songfic, check the song if you like. ^°^

It's almost Christmas anyway, so see you later!

~~~Evil Xisuma's POV~~~

In the prismarine blocks of Xisuma's base, this is where I mostly just hang out. True I have my own little home but my cat seems to enjoy it here more. Little Oliver kept parkouring from one shukler box to another, turning Xisuma's slightly messy storage into her personal playground.

A blanket was wrapped around my stiff shoulders, letting my body embrace the heat and comfort that this blanket brings. I held an old, torn out book in my hands, reading it's dusty but interesting contents. Found it underneath all that junk X keeps in his base.

As an admin, they tend to have very interesting things for me to snoop around, lol.

My eyes looked away from the book when a faint sound of a firework was heard. A figure with a green suit and a purple scarf was visible as they landed in the middle. "Well, you actually visited your base for once." I mocked, a smirk formed on my face.

My mind snap to realization. I didn't miss that tired but dull expression on Xisuma's face, his walking was slow and his shoulders weren't firm or steady. "Dude, you okay? You look like death." And I mean it in a not literal way.

"Welp, I'm already death." He chuckled, but his expression fell completely before walking towards his single bed and plummeting onto it's comfy mattresses.

I suddenly was starting to get concerned. X didn't look or act like his normal self, he didn't mutter a single greeting, and he did not freaking judge me and my cat's presence! There was definitely something wrong with him. "Oi, you okay X?" I called out, walking towards his bed.

"Y-Yeah." His voice cracked, and his head stared at the opposite direction. "Judging by that tone, you are not okay at all." I replied.

I sat near the side of the bed, letting X take more of the bed's space. I placed my hand on his arm, patting it lightly. "Come on we are having a talk." I demanded. "A talk, really?" Xisuma scoffed, but still didn't look away from the opposite direction.

Mostly it's X who demands a talk every time someone or something troubles me, he always knew what to do when I have my off days. Now it was my turn to at least return the favor, even though I have low experience comforting the troubled one.

"Come on X, sit up." I demanded again. This time X finally listened and risen up from his previous position. His body leaned a bit on my shoulder, leaving us in this slightly awkward situation.

"So.... what's wrong?" I asked again .

Xisuma took some deep breaths before looking down on the ground. "Nothing much, just had an argument with Keralis and Bdubs. Nothing too serious to say the least." He smiled nervously.

"Why did you three have an argument?"

"It was because I forced them to lead Cleo to a trap as payment fo-" he suddenly stopped once he saw confusion written all over my face. "Let's just say it was just demise traps and stuff, you probably won't understand it."

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