Literature Stray Hermits "Dark Era" Pt. 2

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Two weeks, two weeks! Geez, back to redeeming myself again!

So, this chapter will be a little shorter but it's the continuation of Literature Stray Hermits.

Hope you enjoy! ;)

~~~Joe's POV~~~

I walked down the dim hallways of the mafia, passing every guard and every high rank executive covered with dark aura surrounding the building. Two guards stood infront of the big curved door, waiting for my respond.

" I'm Joe, I was informed to come here by boss's orders". The two guards immediately lowered their guns and quietly welcome me inside the office.


The boss sat in his chair, quietly but with a satisfied look on his face was eating a piece of of cake. I didn't want to interrupt so I just stood there waiting for him to finish.

It took a while for him to notice that I was actually here. He paused, holding the fork near the plate. He looked at me in the eyes, feeling the awkwardness of me standing there this whole time.

He placed down his plate and gave me a grim smile. "Geez Joe, you could have at least say something". He replied, resting his chin on both of his hands. "Yes Sir, I apologize for that." I walked towards the desk.

~~~Cub's POV~~~

I leaned back on my chair and continued giving Joe a grim smile. "You might be wondering why I called you here?" He asked. "You see, one of our intelligence officers went missing last night without leaving any clues or such".

Joe stood there quietly, keeping both his hands hidden behind his back. "Mind I ask the name of this intelligence officer?" He asked, I could hear the curiosity in his voice. "The name of the officer is..... Docm....".

Joe suddenly flinched after hearing his name, he looked utterly shocked. "According to one of our officers, Doc drove his way home after some business deal but mysteriously disappeared after that, and I want you to find him." I finished my sentence.

"Excuse Sir but why would you choose a low ranked member like myself to find a high ranked officer like Doc? Surely you could have chose other high ranked executives like Grian himself." I looked at him amused.

I went to my drawers and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. "As I've heard from Grian, you seem particularly close with Doc. Surely you have to be worried about your dear friend, am I right?" My smile grew colder.

Joe didn't seem to like what I'm saying but I immediately slid the piece of paper across the table. "This is the silver oracle. With this you can gain help from mafia executives, members, and guards. Just show them this and they'll be able to assist you."

Joe took the oracle before he turned around, ready to leave the room. "Yes Sir." He walked towards the door before I could call his name. "Joe, I was wondering about the gun behind your back." He flinched a bit, but kept calm anyway.

"I wanna ask, why don't you kill with that gun? After all you are a top notch assassin." I asked. He kept quiet for a while now before he could reach the doorknob. "It's for the best if you didn't know"........

I was left alone in the office. I frowned a bit, if only he could stop avoiding the question. "Oh well!" I sighed exasperatetly before I was able to reach for my plate and continued enjoying my cake.

"Sooner or later, I'll know....."

~~~To be continued~~~

I know that bungou stray dogs is my number 1 anime, but My hero academia really is slowly stealing my heart. XD

Chances that I might make another AU of this. (Joke)

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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