Friends are Friends

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This ship was requested by unicornthalady

Don't worry, I didn't make it that sad, just a bit heartbreaking.
Also Keralis here is the best. ^°^

~~~Xisuma's POV~~~

"Shashwami! We have a visitor!"

Keralis' faint voice was heard from above. I placed down my blue concrete blocks near Cleo's trap, planning to fix it later. I walked up to the exit, greeted by my fellow CEO. "I'm here Keral-" I paused for a moment....."F-False?"

The blonde looked at me with a warm, beautiful smile forming in her face. "Sup Xisuma!" She waved. Keralis gave me a sneaky nudge on my shoulder, smirking cheekily like an idiot. I shoved the hermit behind me before clearing my voice.

"I-so... What brings you here to our lovely warehouse?" I kept myself neutral, trying to forget the flush red face I had beneath my helmet.

False suddenly started fidgeting her fingers a bit, her smile faded away to a quite blank but nervous expression. "Actually X I was gonna ask if we can talk?" She stared again at Keralis, who's face was still smug and cheeky. "Alone?" She chuckled a bit.

"Ohhh, of course!" I calmly exclaimed. "This way."

We both walked towards our IDEA meeting room upstairs. Whilst walking, I quietly tried scolding Keralis to stop making fun of me, though it seems that he'll never end his lovey dovey rants! "Come on Shashwami, this is an opportunity to get the girl!" His eyes sparkled of excitement, like he was some anime character!

"Oh shut up Keralis, now is not the time!" I tried whispering, fortunately False was already in the room, so she won't here our conversation. "Come on Shashwami, you know Ex Shashwami also has feelings for her. So if I were you I would get her before he does!"

Still not use to hearing Ex called that way....he was right. This would be an opportunity to get her, but at the same time I don't want to hurt his feelings in the process.... "Well.... I will have to listen to what she wants to talk about before I confess, so now is not the time." I calmly smiled before entering the room.

Leaving Keralis to wait outside.


I quietly sat on my chair, waiting patiently for her to start. " So what is it that you want to talk about?"

But False looked hesitant, maybe a bit flustered! She still kept playing with her fingers. This was a side of her that I rarely see, she's mostly a confident, determined woman. Although.... Her flustered side was a bit cute in her-


My I was blushing red by the thought before she finally spoke up. "I wanna confess something...." She mumbled.

My heart started thumping hard, there was so much hope in me, but I didn't want to put it too high. "Confess something? What is it you wanna confess?" I asked again, but my body still felt tensed, waiting for her response was killing my curiosity.

She gave a deep sigh, putting both hands together on the table. Her eyes were still close, trying to compose herself. She finally gave a small smile as she opened her eyes......

"There is this feeling that I feel, everytime I'm with Ex...."

My soul shattered like 3000, and my heart froze. My body no longer felt tensed, it felt tired, and nowhere near relief..... "R-Really huh?" I tried keeping my voice casual. "Kindly describe these feelings you feel?" I smiled calmly.

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