Literary Stray Hermits (Pt. 4)

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Okay.... Umm... I don't have anything to say...

~~~Joe's POV~~~

I ran through the dim narrow paths, still gripping on the box. Before I could even make a left turn, one of the cloaked men jumped in front of me with his gun pointing at my face. But with my ability I was able to run the other way.

But another cloaked man was at the end of the path, pointing his gun. Both men surrounded me with guns on me, I knew I could end them here.... But I didn't want to kill.... Never....

Instead I shoot the gun away from his hand, but I suddenly felt the gun near my head. "Give the box, and we might spare you pity little life." The man said, but I didn't lose my grip at all, with my gun at the ready.

"Guess this is the end of me..." I sighed. "One thing is for sure, Grian will surely be jealous..."

"JOE, DUCK!!" A voice yelled.

I recognize the voice so I immediately got down before a crap ton of guns fired towards the two cloaked men, injuring both arms and legs....

"Geez Joe, there are times when you actually need to kill. Whether you like it or not." The blonde mafioso sighed, but at least gave a small smile as he lended a hand to the brunette. "Still won't change my mind" I replied, taking his hand.

"Anyways back to business, what should we do with the box? I calmly asked. "Why, check the contents that this box holds~" Grian with a little grin took out a hairpin from his pocket and without hesitation, opened the box in ease. "Done!"

Sometimes I forget that this 18 year old boy is a very young genius.

He opened the box to reveal a gun and one bullet inside, giving Grian a satisfactory smile. "So my instincts are right... I know who the enemy is." He announced. "Mind I ask who it is?" I curiously asked, worrying the rest of the mafiosos.

"Why not! You found this box anyway!" The young mafioso exclaimed.

HOW ON EARTH IS THIS GUY CASUAL WITH HIM?!! The same question quietly echoed through they're mind.

"This gun is the same gun we found during our investigation, so I asked TFC to research on this gun and it's history." Grian explained.

"This gun belongs to a group called Mimic. An organization that once served one of Europe's leaders. Unfortunately something bad happened to one of the leaders, causing Mimic to go into hiding. But according to rumors, they managed to escape the country without any trace." He finished his sentence.

"Seems that our little Mimic wondered all the way here, in Yokohama." He put the gun back, closing it in. "But how does this explain Doc's disappearence?" I asked, catching the young blonde's attention.

He frowned a bit from hearing that word and just stood there with the hairpin still in his hands. "Because rumors also say that Doc might be a double agent, working for both Mafia and Mimic.... Or so what I've heard from boss." He paused for a bit.

"Doc seemed a bit too close to the Mafia. And Mimic, scared of the idea of the Mafia knowing they're secrets, kidnapped Ango to make sure that no one will know they're intentions." He finished his explanation.

"Not just that but Doc is an intelligence agent. He holds every info and secrets of the Mafia, if he's really a double agent then we will all soon be in our graves...." I stood there quietly, before a man behind Grian was pointing his gun at him.

Grian turned around to give a grim smile to the cloaked man. "Ohh, you Mimic members are stronger than I thought, must have underestimated you." He gave a small chuckle.

"Since your awake, won't you mind.... Pulling the trigger?" He asked, walking towards the shaking man. "Grian, what are you doing?!" My eyes widened. I tried grabbing him but he just continued walking.

"Once you pull that trigger, my wish will come true. You can finally end me here, right now!" Grian exclaimed in Glee. The cloaked man trembled a bit before his finger slowly pulled the trigger. "GRIAN DON'T!!" I yelled!

And a gunshot echoed through the dark alleyways.....

The cloaked man screamed when I shot his arm, soon enough the mafiosos armed their guns again and this time finished off the Mimic member. Grian just continued smiling before turning around to me.

"Go grab whatever they have, they might be clues to where they're base is". The mafiosos followed and sprinted towards the bodies, leaving me and him awkwardly alone.

The young blonde deeply sighed "People these days can't really end lives that easily, can they?" Grian asked, as blood dripped from the right side of his hair, losing a bit of his balance from his wound. I caught him before he could even faint at the floor....

As the young executive rests in my arms, I start to question if this guy knew that the man wouldn't shoot him even if he tried. Who knows, there many things that are mysterious about this man....

Before I could even try slowly bringing this man to the nearest car, a slight mumbled was heard from Grian. "Joe.... Find Doc... And make sure he's alright...." He whispered before passing out again

Joe stood there emotionlessly before he gave him a little nod....

"I will....."

~~~To be continued~~~

Now I'm starting realize that this double agent thing reminds me of Molebo Mumbo. 😂

But yeah, I really did a few changes from the story.

So cya!

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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