White Christmas 3: A tear or two fall

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Finally it's my Christmas break! ^°^

This story was actually inspired by an episode from one of my sister's favourite Disney junior shows called "Muppet Babies"

Apparently Kid show lessons gives me ideas. XD
Also writer's block has happened, so I'm sorry for not uploading much. ;-;

~~~Iskall's POV~~~

I don't wanna be that guy..... But everything is going wrong today.

Sahara was freaking broken again, and this time it's even harder to repair. God why am I even fixing this stupid machine again? And why is it broken?Some of the hermits sent me some complaints of the order system malfunctioning even though there is nothing left in stock.

I placed my shulker boxes full of redstone as I tirelessly try to fix the circuits and repeaters into place. Redstone dust covered my lime green suit and sweat started forming near my forehead. I was already getting tired of hearing the same sounds of failure.

I went back to my shulker boxes to reveal that I'm already running low of redstone supplies. And to think I was supposed to use them for a project of mine but stupid Sahara consumes all my time and work. Can't I have a day when I don't come back to this place?!

"Ughhhhh!!" I punched the chest, descending my body near the wall. Today really wasn't my day it all....

"Umm... Iskall?" Grian called out, tapping my shoulder before slowly backing up after seeing my tired expression. "So..... About the Sahara bunker.... Your entrance is a bit broken bec-"

"Oh what, you broke? And now you want me to fix it?" I sarcastically asked, about to lose my patience. "No Iskall, that's n- "Guees what Grian? I'm still freaking busy fixing your stupid shop, so I have no time for your stupid problems!" I threw my dark green covered of redstone dust towards the small hermit's face, making him wince.

"Iskall calm do-" "SHUT UP GRIAN!! I'M QUITTING ARCHITECTS!!" I snapped, spamming my rockets towards the snowy exit of Sahara.... Leaving the slightly frightened Architect alone.

~~~Iskall's base~~~

I curled on top of my concrete lab, covering my face beneath my arms. I felt too frustrated to do anything or talk to anyone. I had to come back to my base, where no one would expect I would go to.

I kinda regretted leaving my scarf at the shop but I didn't care, I let the cold chilly winds envolope my body, freeze to death or something. I don't care about demise, or Sahara, or my project, or anything at this point. I just want to be left alone.....

Suddenly I felt a gentle hand touch my trembling shoulder. "Iskall, love, you okay?"

I didn't need to move to identify who's touching my shoulder but the only response I had was a simple grunt. "Come on Iskall, what's wrong?" Stress asked again, this time sitting down next to me. "Everything is wrong.." my muffled voice was heard.

"Sahara is broken again, I ran out of time for my project, the Sahara bunker is also broken, Grian swopped in blah blah blah, I quit Architects." Stress winced after that lose comment, now rubbing my tired back. "Sounds like you had it rough?"

"Tell me about it..." I mumbled... "Can you just go away?"

"Why would I?!" Stress scoffed. "I can't let you just accidentally let out your anger on someone else? Plus you don't even have a scarf!" She scolded, pulling her turquoise scarf from her warm neck and wrapped it around mine.

My patience with Stress is starting fade away. I don't want to be angry at her but already hearing her lecture me is already driving me mad. God can I be alone just this once?! I groaned, trying to escape her arms as she continues pulling me in.

"You know Iskall, sometimes people have those days when they feel tired and frustrated with life." Stress replied, putting her arm around my neck. "I once had those days..... But Joe once told me something." She smiled.

"It's alright to cry it out"

I looked at her dumbfounded, letting out a scoff. "Yeah right, like crying out the pain will solve everything."  "But it will help calm you down a bit, I know it's tiring to feel this mad and frustrated. But who knows, it might help you." She smiled softly.

I finally lifted up my head, staring towards her brown eyes with a slight blur in my vision. I leaned my head on her lap, silently letting a tear or two fall. Her continuesly stroke my brown hair, forcing me into a quiet sob.

I reached my handkerchief from my pocket, slowly wiping the little droplets from my face. She stopped stroking my hair once I supported my body to sit up straight, finally giving her a small but genuine smile.

"Thank you Stress." I mumbled, receiving a warm smile from her. I looked back to the icy glaciers that stood near my base. "I guess I should say sorry to G, hope he's not too upset with me..." I replied with a saddened smile.

"I don't think he will Iskall." She replied before standing up to activate her elytra. "I'll see you around!" She exclaimed, flying towards her icy castle, leaving me here to pick my next course of action.

~~~Sahara Warehouse~~~

I walked through the silent hallways of Sahara, staring at the redstone work we did. Really, I shouldn't just called for Mumbo to help me. I felt guilty yelling at Grian like that, I need to apologize to him for that.

I already knew where he was, and the sounds of small snores echoing the warehouse proved it. I entered the meeting room, turning towards the grand wooden chair to see a the small Architect snoozing on the table.

"Hey Grian, wake up." I carefully shook his shoulder. He let out a tired groan, finally opening his sleepy eyes. He immediately yeeted out of his chair after seeing me, falling butt first onto the ground.

"Oh I-Iskall!" He exclaimed, trying his best to stand up properly. "Uhhh- hey Grian?" I nervously replied, leaving an awkward silence between us two.....

"So...." Grian paused....."I called Mumbo to stop by Sahara and check the machine. Not to worry, I did not touch any of the redstone work. Actually I asked him if he could lend you some redstone components!" He exclaimed, handing me a shulker box of replenished redstone materials.

"Thanks I guess...." I mumbled before lowering my head in guilt. "And I'm sorry if I yelled at you..."

Grian let out a chuckle before putting his hand on my back. "Hey, I feel you. Your not the only one having a bad day." He joked, but his cheery smile saddened a bit after finishing that sentence.

"Huh?" Then I suddenly realized.... That Grian's skin was actually monochromed. How blind was I during that time?!  Now this made me even guilter than before.

"Not to worry, I'm alright! I just need to enchant all my stuff again.." he exasperatedly sighs, walking towards the exit before I was able to block him. "I'll help you G." I lent a spare elytra from my inventory.

"You may no longer be a dragon bro but Architect bro is still a thing." I smiled. "So your back from being an Architect huh?" He teased.

"Guess so......"

~~~The End~~~

I never made a story just based off on Iskall..... Oof

Also I just realized... When it comes to stories about the Architects, either Grian or Iskall would get third wheeled but not Mumbo. °^°

Another Oof.

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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