Leaves from the vine

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Yes, I know I made a chapter for Bdubs in a different account. But while rewatching Avatar the last Airbender, I remembered a song that Mako [Iroh's voice actor] sang before he died. And I just HAD to make another story!

So.... Shall we go back to childhood? ;)

[Fun Fact: if you read my other story in Architect_mates, I realized that my story almost seems familiar with Iroh's....oof.]

I'll stop talking now.

~~~3rd POV~~~

Bdubs peacefully strolls through hermit land, finally done rebuilding his "torture chamber" beside Mumbo's mixed up, colored machine... I hid my hands beneath my pockets and closed my eyes to the sound of the leaves rustling to my right.

A tree stood there, near the entrance to hermit land. With a few flowers growing beneath it, but one flower stood there the most. Aware that this particular flower isn't usually found in hermitcraft, it was a rare sighting.

"Leaves from the vine"
"Falling so slow"

I knelt down near the flowers, admiring the one plant that caught my eye. It was like an evergreen woody climbing plant with slightly leathery leaves. My heart began to break from the sight of this plant.

"Like fragile tiny shells"
"Drifting in the foam..."

As I pulled the plant from the rest of the flowers, tiny droplets fell from my face, but I didn't make a mere sound. Instead I took the handkerchief from my pocket and wiped my heart eyes.


"Little soldier boy"
"Come marching home"


I felt out of focus, I never stopped staring at the plant. I ignored the panicked yelps whoever was shaking my shoulders... Just...give me a damn moment please.... I-I will follow...

"Brave soldier boy"

After gazing at the plant, my body fell on who I presume to be Xisuma, the grey turtle suit was iconic. Xisuma placed his arms around my back, with the plant still in my hands... My face was covered in tears but I didn't fail to smile at the admin.... "Bdubs?" He called out...

"I just w-want her home- X..." I choked, with my smile that seemed more genuine whilst my voice tells me otherwise. I rested my head on my dear friend's shoulder, still hugging the plant..

Xisuma looked at me with pitied eyes before slowly removing the plant from my hand. "How about we plant this ivy in your castle, how does that sound?" He asked. I gave a little nod, somehow I was still smiling....like.... Even if I was sad.... She still brought me joy remembering her....in my arms.

"Come marching home......"

~~~~~The End~~~~~

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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