Lost his Marbles

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So..... yesterday I felt a bit... weak.

And I straight up knew, that I was sick..... Oof.

So I wasn't able to concentrate that much yesterday so I couldn't finish all the stories I was gonna publish.

So don't mind if the story doesn't make any sense, because it's not suppose to make sense. This was based on a weird conversation between me and my sister. 😂

~~~Doc's POV~~~
~~~Shopping District~~~

I walked around the district, a shulker box rested on my arms. I was planning to do something in Area 77, so I needed the proper materials to do it. I was about to enter the huge concrete structure of Sahara till I saw a monochromed hermit.

He had a black cloak covering every side of his body, he didn't cover his head though so it was easy to identify him. "Ren? Watcha doing here? Putting traps or something?" I approached the dead hermit.

Instead of being greeted by a deep, grand, voice, he turned his around like some creepy ghost although..... He looked a bit dazed and.... Far up from earth.

"Ren-" I couldn't finish my sentence till his hand pulled my arm towards him. "Docm77! The crazy mad scientist himself, good morning!" His face seemed more cheery and less dead.

"Umm- good morning too?" I nervously smiled. The somewhat cheery grim reaper accompanied me to Sahara, with this somewhat smug yet unfocused face. We both entered the bubble elevator before Ren suddenly started talking as we arrive at Sahara Now.

"Sahara Now huh? A resourceful place, for some golden carrots. It really is Scamhara." He finishes that sentence as I opened the yellow shulker boxes to reveal golden carrots. " I guess you quoted that from Keralis." I awkwardly closed the shulker box, both leaving us empty handed.

"Which reminds me, Keralis is some lucky guy to have Bdubs." He replied. As we both entered the nether, I started thinking to myself..... Bdubs is a great guy so Keralis is kinda lucky enough to be close to him. I couldn't help but smile.

"I guess so." I replied with a small smile, grabbing the boat from the chest.

"Yeah, he gets to enjoy a piece from heaven while others saw Bdubs die for 3 seconds. It's like God gave you a goldfish for you to take care and 5 minutes later, it's dead!" He dramatically finished his sentence.

I got stunned by that sentence, dropping the boat on the floor. I tried my hardest not to laugh till I took a deep breath and placed the boat on the ice. "Well, that's relatable in life."

We both assisted ourselves on the boat, using the oars to push us forward.

"Ahhh dear old life." Ren satisfyingly sighed, resting his back on the back of the boat. "Romance is ideal! I mean, if you attended a wedding how would you feel if someone asks "Hey Doc, do you think you'll be next? You know get a girl?" He curiously asked.

"Uhmmm it would feel a bit awkward to think about" I slightly blushed, never really thought about romance in a serious way. "Oh don't you worry, attend my funeral and I'll ask you if you'll be next." He stated with his deep dark grim reaper tone, smirking intently behind my back.

I was about to choke, almost dropping the oars. "Man! What the hell was that? That pun was stupid yet quiet dark." I looked towards Ren, concerned why Ren is acting this sassy and puny towards me.

"You know what's stupid yet dark? Apparently creating a game based of the real world, and where all your friends will die because of the sin Greed." He replied but still with a cheery smile, like he enjoyed mocking everyone.

"Hey man, don't be too sassy on Grian. He just wants us to interact with one another, whether practical or verbal." I defended, almost quoting the words Joe once said to me.

"Says the person who snapped because of a bush~" Ren cheekily sassed me out. "Can we not talk about this please before I explode?!" I frustratedly sighed, but the same time felt a bit embarrassed about Ren's words.

"Explode? Now just in case you do..... Aww man~" Ren suddenly started a laughing fit at the back. I felt triggered to hear that joke again but I was more concerned to what happened to Ren and why he's sassing everything that I say.

As we arrived to the portal, I couldn't help but notice that Ren hasn't stop giggling ever since. "Ren?" I called out.

"Hehehe Jingle Bells, I am dead, as you can see or tell~" he light-heartedly sang, his head swaying from side to side.

(This song was sponsored by unicornthalady and her sad hatred for me killing off a lot of people)

I already knew that there was something wrong with Rendog, so much for project. "Come on Ren, let's go" I calmly replied, slowly pushing him out of the boat and leading him towards the portal.


As we were about to exit this crazy structures of hermitville, a felt a body suddenly leaning on my back, and an arm gripping onto my shoulder. I turned around to see Ren still humming the jingle bell song but his eyes were a bit droopy.

"Look Doc, a dabbing penguin. All hail the almighty penguin~" he exclaimed, his eyes looked tired and dazed off.

"Hey Ren, are you tired?" He then shook his head, hugging me like I'm some horse. "I'm not tired, I'm to Grim Reaper!" He yawned.

"Are you sleep deprived?!"

"No!" He finally snapped but tried his best to keep his eyes opened. I gave out a deep sigh before descending near the ground and held both of his legs near my waist. "Doc what-"

"Ren, you need to sleep. I know your trying to make yourself stay positive and all but seriously! Your even singing about you being dead!" I snapped. Ren's eyes widened, leaning his head on my back, finally admitting defeat.

I exasperatedly sighs, carrying the tired Grim Reaper towards False's van.

I slowly laid his body onto the soft matress, covering him in a small blanket. "Doc, I can't sleep...." He admits it, staring at the white concrete ceiling.

Two seconds later I was already humming a familiar tune. I kept on stroking his brown hair, ignoring the fact that I'm comforting someone who's dead. I should know by now that this isn't a trap by Ren and he's just genuinely tired.

After a while, small and quiet snores echoed through the van. Alas he was finally asleep. I didn't wanna risk leaving him all alone, in case if he wakes up so instead I sat on the floor and retrieved my communicator. To see what's going on in the server.

~~~3 hours later~~~
~~~Ren's POV~~~

I slowly opened my eyes, to realize that I wasn't in the my own bed or in the shopping district. As I support my body I saw a certain creeper hybrid in a black suit, staring blankly at the window.

My head felt heavy and all I could feel was confusion. "Doc, when did I get here? I don't remember coming here at all" I asked

Doc then walks towards me and just gave me this bored yet blank expression. "One thing is for sure, you kinda lost your marbles back then."

~~~The End~~~

It kinda hurts to laugh at these stupid jokes I made, huhuhu. 😓😓😧😄

Ok lol, just leave me here to die in my own mucus. 😅😅

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-Keichi Akechi

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