My Realization 3

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Hey guys, this chapter will be the very last story I will be making in this book! ^°^

I'll explain later in the next chapter.

~~~Joe's POV~~~

Alas the season will finally end! Everyone jumped in excitement as they finished last minute projects, meeting up for their last video collabs for the season, cleaning up all their shulker monsters.

I did everything in my to do list, but I didn't feel as excited as the other hermits. I feel bad for not uploading much as I did, and my notebook held the same old contents, no new poem or anything. I've obviously got more than writer's block if I don't feel like writing.

After that talk with TFC I felt even worse than I did with Doc. Not pinning the blame on them though! But I just feel.... unmotivated.. maybe I bit down.. it's a feeling I can't exactly describe. Gahhh what was that term again?!

Which is why I want recollect my thoughts again at the statue of hermity, one last time. But what I did not expect was someone here on the statue before me, usually hermits are busy bees during the finales. He had a white lab coat dangling near the floor and a vex mask hiding his face. But I was still able to recognize him. "Cub?"

The hermit turned his back with the mask hiding whatever facial expression he had on his face. "Ahhh Joe perfect timing. I need someone to talk to." He said. I felt a bit concerned with the way he said that, so I stayed behind his back... "Are you excited for season 7 Joe?"

I looked at Cub as a smile finally formed on my face. "Of course I a-" I was then cut off by a small grunt from the vex. "Tell the truth Joe. Are you excited for season 7?"....

I was about to raise my voice and repeat my answer till I abruptly paused, mouth slightly opened gap. Now that I think about....I don't really feel as thrilled as the others. In fact I felt this miserable for the past week now. I shook my head and let out an unsteady mutter. "N-No.."

"Huh...same." Cub replied, walking near the edge. "I don't know why but....I regret everything I did recently in the season. I don't know why I wanted to kill everyone so badly, I don't know why I've lost all interest of the diamonds I invested or the Sahara and Idea rivalry I found so interesting to do, I don't know why i feel this pitiful of myself...or why I wanna d-"

Cub paused before finishing his sentence, clearing his throat before looking back at me. "Ignore my rant, I just don't feel like myself this week..."

I knew what he was about to say before he cut off his sentence. Now I finally realized why I'm feeling this way, everything Cub said, relates to what I'm experiencing, minus the death part. All the things Doc and TFC talked about this month gave me so much realization to myself that I ended up this down...

"Cub...." I took slow steps towards the Vex before reaching my hand for his mask, fingers finally touching the piece of material and carefully removed it from his face. I didn't fail to miss the stream of tears that seemed to almost dry up on his face. And yet...he didn't react or anything, he just kept on smiling. "I've looked worse." He chuckled.

But his face fell to a concerned frown when he stared right at me. At this point, I felt a warm liquid stick near the corners of my eyes. Before Cub knew it, I hastily threw myself onto the poor hermit and clinged onto him, like a baby never leaving they're mother.

"J-Joe are y-" he paused when I suddenly started sobbing onto his lab coat, soaking it with the waters of my sorrow and pain.

"Don't....Cub.... don't think that way. Even if respawn is a thing... Repeatedly dying isn't punishment enough for you to suffer. You crazy crazy idiot... You c-crazy pitiful idi-ot.." I unsteadily laughed, holding a tighter grip on his coat as my sobs grew uncontrollably. "Y-Your pitiful face is t-too much t-o hand-le.."

Cub's considerate smile came back as he finally returns the hug. "You also look pitiful yourself Joe.. I have to say, the coincidence that we both feel this way.." he chuckled, and I followed. "Your right... dying repeatedly is a waste of my time...but I just feel so worthless, that's why I want to do it.."

I lifted my head and embraced closer to the sad individual. "" I cried out. "But I don't want to hurt anyone in the process... It shows that I'm really not worthless to your eyes..." Cub moved my shoulders away from the hug as he stared considerately at my eyes. "Just know Joe, everyone cares about your well being. I wouldn't let them worry too much about us before they go parent mode, agreed?" He asked.

I stood there stunned in silence, speechless, which is out of character for me. But I've lost my breath from all that crying that I just gave a little nod. Cub smiled at me again before walking away from me. "See you at the other side Joe..."

*Cubfan135 has left the game*

I looked back at where Cub disappeared then I looked back at the server with it's magnificent buildings and unique shopping districts. Honestly... season 6 was such a crazy ride that I started over thinking about myself.

I didn't feel like my old self again but maybe it's a way for me to move on from this season. I smiled as I glanced at the view and rested my notebook on the prismarine floor. "Goodbye notebook... goodbye season 6....."

I took a running start before jumping off the building. If I want to leave, I'll leave in style.

*@JoehillsTSD has left the game*

~~~~~The End~~~~~

Okay, please cut me some slack. This was my first story that kind of included depression. °^°

Also yes if you figured it out, this story was based off of the song "My R". Originally I was supposed to make an animatic but I don't exactly have the proper skills so I made a story instead. Oof.

May your night
Shine like the moonlight
Ladies and gents! ;)
-, Keichi Akechi

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